#if you can get high grade meat that's clean and free of parasites
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cowsaresushi-coral · 2 years ago
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I’ve been thinking about this ask, since you’ve sent me it @bugsmoocher​ and I’m both intrigued AND concerned (I hope that meat was like tartar grade and didn’t have uh unwanted residues in it, and you didn’t get sick in your tumtum).
I was expecting more of something along the lines of cowboy sushi, though my name was actually because I had an inside joke about cows and sushi when I was little, and needed a minecraft username, and cowsandsushi (is ugly) was taken or something. Thank you for this fascinating information, please don’t have have tapeworm.
(Sorry for the late reply, was busy.)
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drlaurynlax · 6 years ago
How To Treat ADHD Naturally: 5 Most Important Steps
Is there a way to treat ADHD naturally? What one should do?More than 1 in 10 children, ages 4-17 have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) (1), defined as  “limited attention and hyperactivity.”
Common characteristics of ADHD include:
Difficulty sustaining attention or focusing
Difficulty following through with tasks
Difficulty organizing self and tasks
Impulsive behavior
To officially be diagnosed with ADHD, symptoms must persist for at least 6 months, and behaviors and symptoms must be abnormal for children of the same age and negatively affect his or her school, home life or relationships in more than one setting (i.e. at home and at school).
  Unfortunately, for many of these kids who are diagnosed, ADHD will continue into their adulthood, and conventional medicine believes that the disease is “manageable, but not curable.” In order to help kids “manage” their ADHD, treatment typically consists of medications and behavioral interventions, such as occupational therapy, behavioral therapy and sensory or movement “breaks.”
After those options are exhausted however, there is little, if anything else doctors say they can do.
The missing link most docs and conventional medicine is not talking about?
A little superpower known as the “brain gut connection.”
According to the latest in research about the brain-gut connection, ADHD is not only manageable,  but it is reversible and remissible.
In this article we’ll cover the basics  about the brain-gut connection, plus learn 5 essential steps to treat ADHD naturally (that your doctor probably won’t tell you about).
The “brain-gut” connection is essentially what it sounds like: Your gut and brain are directly linked.
Your vagus nerve (the nerve responsible for directing how you think and your brain function) is connected from your frontal brain lobe to the top stomach. In addition, about 95% of your serotonin (“feel good” brain chemical) is produced in your gastrointestinal tract.
Couple this with the fact that your gastrointestinal tract is lined with more than a 100 million nerve cells, and it makes sense: the inner workings of your digestive system don’t just help you digest food, but also guide your emotions.
In short: When your gut is unhappy or stressed…your brain is unhappy or stressed.
Enter: The “brain-gut connection.”
Inflammation in your gut sends signals to your brain, causing a similar response (inflammation, stress and in many children’s cases, anxiety, sensory processing disorders, and ADHD).
The bottom line: If you have an unhealthy gut, your brain function gets thrown off. And, if you have an unhealthy brain (i.e. stressed), your gut function can also get thrown off.
Unfortunately, for years, we’ve come to see the body and mind as two separate entities.
The mind is often treated separately from the body, other than using medications to suppress “neuro-chemical imbalances.” Patients with ADHD or other mood disorders and mental illnesses are then typically referred out to see a psychotherapist or occupational therapist to address “behavior” and emotional issues, in hopes of remediating the symptoms, with sub-par results or a lifetime spent in therapy, using coping strategies and taking medications.
From a functional medicine perspective, we want to address ADHD and other mental health conditions in the same way that we address any other health condition (i.e. autoimmune disease, diabetes, GERD, hypertension, etc.). We want to look at what the underlying causes are for these conditions. This is essential to treat ADHD naturally.
While mental illness, like ADHD, is a complex combination of various genetic and epigenetic factors, (including nutritional, physical, biochemical, environmental, social, emotional, and spiritual influences), many traditional methods of diagnosis and treatment fail to address two of the biggest drivers of disease: gut health and chronic inflammation (i.e. stress).
Our stress levels and gut health are the gateways to health.
In fact, the American Psychological Association estimates that 99% of ALL disease is attributed to stress alone (2). Stress is defined as any “outside force that exceeds the body’s ability to recover or maintain homeostasis.”
Just like the “stress” of a poor quality diet, lack of sleep and sedentary lifestyle leads to conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, and just like poor gut health, such as “intestinal permeability” (leaky gut) is connected to conditions like autoimmune disease, skin breakouts and anxiety,  stress levels and gut health play a key role in ADHD.
Contrary to popular belief, “stress” goes far beyond mental stress. Physiological stress equally imbalances the optimal function of the body—brain balance included.  Common sources of physical stress and inflammation for many ADHD sufferers include:
Inadequate sleep or poor quality sleep. More than half of kids do NOT get 8-9 hours of quality sleep. (3)
Sedentary lifestyles. Kids are moving less than ever before with 1 in 5 getting the recommended minimum of 60-minutes of physical activity 5 days per week. (4)
Overexposure to screens and blue lights. The average kid spends 6-9 hours/day in front of a screen. (5)
Lack of spontaneous play and time in nature. Only 10% of kids spend time outside every day (6) and a 2018 Gallup study found that children nationwide spend less time on creative play than ever before, spending 18.6 hours each week to screen-based play per week, versus 14.6 hours on indoor screen-free play (7).
Antibiotic drug exposure. 1 in 4 kids get antibiotics every year that are unnecessary and 5 in 6 kids take an antibiotic every year (8).
Poor quality nutrition and processed foods. Nearly 50% of kids’ diets, ages 2-18 consist of empty calories from added sugars and and processed foods including: soda, fruit drinks, dairy desserts, grain desserts, pizza, and conventional milk (9).
Poor gut health. Including about 2 in 5 kids with constipation (10), 1 in 4 with GERD or “reflux” (11) and millions of kids with allergies and asthma—the #1 “chronic disease” of kids nationwide (12) (linked to poor gut health) (13, 14).
Much of the chronic diseases we face today can also be traced back to our gut health, including ADHD. If we could address the problems in our gut, we can find the right ways to treat ADHD naturally.
The human gut contains more than 100 trillion gut bacteria—up to 10 times more bacteria than human cells in our blood stream and body.
The healthier and more diverse your gut bacteria, the healthier your body is overall. However, the less healthy or less diverse your gut bacteria, the less healthy or “out of balance” you are.
Our gut bacteria influence the health of our:
Blood sugar and insulin levels
Hormone health
Immune system (allergies, skin health)
Mental health
  How do gut bacteria get unhealthy in the first place? Go back to the topic of stress!  It’s a vicious cycle, but common sources of “unhealthy gut bacteria” include:
Poor sleep
Poor quality foods (packaged, processed, conventional meat, dairy, sweeteners, etc.)
Environmental toxins (additives, plastics, medicines, toxic cleaning and hygiene products)
C-section births and processed formula feedings as a baby
Infection & Illness
Sedentary lifestyles
Underlying gut pathologies, often caused by stressors (parasites
  The good news?  If we address the gut health, then we could treat ADHD naturally—if not reversed.
Research backs this up.
A 2017 peer-reviewed study found significant connections between increased gut inflammation and test subjects with ADHD, regardless of age and previous diagnosis (15). The volunteers with ADHD had more Bifidobacterium genus, often associated with SIBO or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (16).
In another review in the European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Journal, researchers state that while studies on ADHD and the gut microbiota in patients is budding, there is clear evidence about the link between obesity and ADHD and between obesity and alteration of the gut microbiota.
There is a way to treat ADHD naturally.
Obesity induces a low-grade inflammatory state which has been associated with behavioral and cognitive alterations, being gut micro-biota most likely an important mediator between inflammation and altered behaviors.
Overall, data from gluten-free mice studies, antibiotic treatment studies, and probiotic interventions suggest that alterations in gut microbiota that reduce the inflammatory state also reduce stress-related behaviors, supporting the role of the gut microbiota as a mediator between inflammation and behavioral alterations.
And, another clinical trial (18) is currently underway, as researchers have concluded from previous research that ADHD is in are linked to shifts in gut microbiota composition.
The main strategy to heal and treat ADHD naturally involve balancing out stress levels, and NOT irritating the gut barrier and gut immune system. Here are 5 essential steps to start.
When we eat, we not only feed ourselves, but we also feed our gut bugs. This is a crucial step to treat ADHD naturally. It’s not rocket science: Real, whole, nutrient-dense foods make an unhealthy gut a healthier gut. While most kids’ favorite foods include chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, French fries, Honey Nut Cheerios, possibly fruit and anything with ketchup, they are humans too.
And humans were wired to eat real foods. Real foods include: sustainable, organic meats and fish, colorful fruits and veggies and essential healthy fats (coconut oil, ghee, grass-fed butter, pastured egg yolks, avocado, raw nuts and seeds.
This goes beyond just going a gluten-free (since many gluten free products contain just as many additives as the gluten version)s. Experiment with cutting out grains, conventional dairy, sugar and additives (dyes, sweeteners, chemicals) for 30 days and watch your kids’ brains come to life. Do it together with a non-diet mentality as a challenge for the family for stronger bodies and better brains. A great way to help treat ADHD naturally.
Give your kids a daily soil-based probiotic and prebiotic fiber to treat ADHD naturally. These include  partially hydrolyzed guar gum, to help the healthy probiotics stick in their gut. Soil based probiotics are typically better tolerated by most people, and contain probiotic like cultures that were once found in the rich soils of our ancestors. Start with 1/2 capsule of a probiotic, 2 times per day, and 1 teaspoon of a prebiotic. Other “gut loving” additions include:
Colostrum (similar to the gut-healing natural colostrum found in the “perfect food:” a mother’s milk)
Digestive Enzymes (support natural enzymes that help break down food)
Betaine HCL (hydrochloric acid) found in capsules (naturally boosts stomach acid to enhance digestion)
Optional: Digestive “bitters” to support detoxification mixed into homemade dark chocolate syrup (5 drops of bitters + 1 tablespoon cacao powder + 1 tablespoon raw honey (use maple syrup for kids under 1 year of age) +fresh juice from half a small lemon)
For kids, this includes encouraging them to get 60-minutes (at least) of active play and exercise each day, as well as outdoor time and sunshine, about 9 hours of sleep each night and creative, imaginative playaway from screens.
Magnesium Citrate at night is also a natural calming mineral, mixed into bedtime tea or water.
Work with a functional medicine practitioner or healthcare practitioner knowledgeable in gut health analysis and treatment of any underlying conditions that may play a role in your child’s brain-gut-connection. Lab tests may include: Stool testing, Organic Acids Urine Testing, Comprehensive Bloodwork Analysis, Food Sensitivity Testing, and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Breath Testing. This can help to treat ADHD naturally.
Not all tests are essential, but can give you and your child a clearer picture into their unique presentation if an underlying gut pathology is behind their condition. (Note: Many traditional GI doctors do not perform these tests on kids, beyond food allergy, not sensitivity, testing and potential scope and CT scan imaging).
The bottom line:
In the end, address the roots of cognitive imbalance first (gut and stress), not the symptoms. This is very important step to treat ADHD naturally.
2018. ADHD. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/data.html.
2018. How Stress Affects Your Health. https://www.apa.org/helpcenter/stress-facts.pdf; American Institute of Stress. https://www.stress.org/americas-1-health-problem/ (Cited: Perkins (1994) showed that 60% to 90% of doctor visits were stress-related)
Sleep Foundation. 2010. Sleep in America. http://sleepfoundation.org/sites/default/files/2014-NSF-Sleep-in-America-poll-summary-of-findings—FINAL-Updated-3-26-14-.pdf
2018. Physical Activity Facts. https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/physicalactivity/facts.htm
Kaiser Family Foundation. Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-18-year-olds. 2010 https://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/8010.pdf
The Nature Conservancy. Connecting America’s Youth to Nature. 2011. https://www.nature.org/newsfeatures/kids-in-nature/youth-and-nature-poll-results.pdf
Doug & Melissa. 2018. Time to Play Study. http://ww2.melissaanddoug.com/MelissaAndDoug_Gallup_TimetoPlay_Study.pdf
2017. Antibiotic Use in the United States, 2017: Progress and Opportunities. https://www.cdc.gov/antibiotic-use/stewardship-report/outpatient.html
Facts & Statistics: Physical Activity. 2018. https://www.hhs.gov/fitness/resource-center/facts-and-statistics/index.html (Cited Source: Reedy J, Krebs-Smith SM. Dietary sources of energy, solid fats, and added sugars among children and adolescents in the United States. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Volume 110, Issue 10, Pages 1477-1484, October 2010. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20869486.)
Blackmer AB, Farrington EA. Constipation in the pediatric patient: an overview and pharmacologic considerations. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. 2010;24(6):385–399.
Nelson SP, Chen EH, Syniar GM, Christoffel KK. Pediatric Practice Research Group. Prevalence of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux during childhood. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescents Medicine. 2000;154:150–154
Asthma & Allergy Foundation. 2018. Allergy Facts and Figures. http://www.aafa.org/page/allergy-facts.aspx
Volz, F. Wölbing, F. Regler, S. Kaesler, T. Biedermann. 232 NOD2 signaling critically influences sensitization to orally ingested allergens and severity of anaphylaxis. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2016; 136 (9): S201 DOI: 10.1016/j.jid.2016.06.252
Neonatal gut microbiota associates with childhood multisensitized atopy and T cell differentiation. Fujimura KE, Sitarik AR, Havstad S, Lin DL, Levan S, Fadrosh D, Panzer AR, LaMere B, Rackaityte E, Lukacs NW, Wegienka G, Boushey HA, Ownby DR, Zoratti EM, Levin AM, Johnson CC, Lynch SV. Nat Med. 2016 Sep 12. doi: 10.1038/nm.4176. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 27618652.
Aarts, E., Ederveen, T. H. A., Naaijen, J., Zwiers, M. P., Boekhorst, J., Timmerman, H. M., … Arias Vasquez, A. (2017). Gut microbiome in ADHD and its relation to neural reward anticipation. PLoS ONE, 12(9), e0183509. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0183509
Quigley & Quera. 2006. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: Roles of Antibiotics, Prebiotics, and Probiotics. http://www.deerlandenzymes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Small-Intestinal-Bacterial-Overgrowth-Roles-of-Antibiotics-Prebiotics-and-Probiotics.pdf
Carmen Cenit, María & Campillo Nuevo, Isabel & codoñer-franch, Pilar & G. Dinan, Timothy & Sanz, Yolanda. (2017). Gut microbiota and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: new perspectives for a challenging condition. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 26. 10.1007/s00787-017-0969-z. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pilar_Codoner-franch/publication/314967081_Gut_microbiota_and_attention_deficit_hyperactivity_disorder_new_perspectives_for_a_challenging_condition/links/5a2f81e50f7e9bfe81705387/Gut-microbiota-and-attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-new-perspectives-for-a-challenging-condition.pdf?origin=publication_detail
Xijing Hospital. 2018. Gut Microbiome and Serum Metabolome Alterations in ADHD Patients (ADHD). https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03447223
The post How To Treat ADHD Naturally: 5 Most Important Steps appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/family-kid-health/treat-adhd-naturally-5-essential-steps/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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livingcorner · 3 years ago
What is Food Grade Sanitizer?@|what are food grade sanitisers used in the kitchen for@|https://www.geneontechnologies.com/pictures/pages/196/main.jpg@|25
June 03, 2019 Leave a Comment
Keeping any area clean and free of germs and bacteria that can cause illness is extremely important for businesses of all types, but the food industry is often held to a higher standard due to regulations imposed by federal and state agencies. These agencies include the FDA, the Department of Health, and other agencies that regulate everything from the quality of the food to the cleanliness and safety of the environment where the food is cooked and served. Restaurants that don’t adhere to these guidelines face extensive fines and risk being shut down. This is why it is so important that cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting routines are practiced regularly and correctly in the restaurant industry.
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What Are the Health Risks in a Restaurant Environment?
While we often think about the kitchen area where food is being prepared, germs and bacteria can be found everywhere in a restaurant setting. The dining area and bathrooms are also important areas to consider when cleaning and sanitizing a commercial restaurant. That’s why employees are required to wash their hands and continually wipe down food preparation surfaces. The germs found in bathrooms and other areas of a restaurant can easily be transferred to the food preparation area. Which can be the cause of many foodborne illnesses. Some of the bacteria found in restaurants include:
E. coli
Clostridium perfringens
Staphylococcus aureus (food poisoning)
Hepatitis A
Viruses and bacteria that cause colds and flu as well as food-borne illness are spread by hand to hand or hand to surface. People who have noroviruses, hepatitis A, or staphylococcus and streptococcus can easily spread these illnesses to other people simply by handling food or by touching surfaces where food will be prepared.
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Raw meats, fish, and poultry are prone to bacteria as well. E.coli is one of the most serious and common organisms, often found in undercooked hamburger and other meats.According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), E.coli is one of the most common reasons we see foodborne illness. According to the same source, this bacteria can cause hemolytic uremic syndrome—a disease that often targets children with deadly results.
Chicken, turkey, and poultry have also been linked to shigella, salmonella, and campylobacter. The effects of these bacteria range from cramping and diarrhea to fever. Many meats are susceptible to contamination toxoplasmosis, a parasitic disease that can be dangerous for pregnant women and even their unborn children.
Of course, seafoods, shellfish, etc. are prone to many types of bacteria. Unpasteurized cheeses are susceptible to contamination with Listeria monocytogenes, which has been known to cause disease or even more severe damage, such as miscarriages or developmental issues with unborn babies.
Other areas of a commercial kitchen (or any kitchen for that matter) that present potential health concerns when they aren’t cleaned properly include:
Garbage disposal, trash bin (inside and out)
Refrigerators and other food storage areas
Towels, rags, mops, brooms, etc.
Can openers, cutting boards, utensils, etc.
Food processing and preparation tools and devices
Of course, dining rooms harbor germs and bacteria as well. Floors, walls, tables, chairs, windows, door handles, and other surfaces collect all sorts of bacteria that can be transferred back to the kitchen even when the kitchen has been properly cleaned and sanitized. This means an unclean dining area can re-contaminate a clean kitchen.
Food Grade Sanitizer
Unfortunately, many in the restaurant business are under the impression that cleaners and sanitizers with harsh chemicals are the best option for meeting the stringent requirements for keeping the restaurant clean, sanitized, and disinfected. This is not only inaccurate, it can be a potentially hazardous assumption. So many commercial cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting products can be harmful to consumers as well. This is because they contain chemicals that present potential health risks to consumers as well as to the overall environment. Bleach, in particular, is often used and can be extremely harmful on many levels. Bleach can be harmful by itself, but it is often dangerous through its interaction with other common chemical-based cleaners used in commercial restaurants. When bleach interacts with ammonia, for instance, it can form chlorine gas, which, according to the CDC, can cause damage to cells, nasal passages, and to the lungs, causing issues with breathing.
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Using a food grade sanitizer is an ideal solution to these issues. Sanitizers and disinfectants that are toxic-free are preferable in food environments. Cleaners used in settings where they may make contact with food should be food grade. In fact, commercial food establishments should always strive to find and use food grade sanitizer and other cleaning and disinfectant products rather than the harsh chemical-based products many restaurants use on a regular basis.
GenEon has the Solution for Your Food Grade Sanitizers Needs
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As you can see, it’s important to have an effective way to kill spores, viruses, and bacteria in all areas of a restaurant while using food grade sanitizer and cleaners to minimize the risks. This is the best way to ensure germs are effectively eliminated from every surface in the environment. At GenEon, we offer consumers non-toxic food grade solutions that are powerful and eco-friendly. That’s because our cleaning, sanitizing, and degreasing products are created by consumers with a process known as on-site generation using nothing more than energy, water, and natural minerals. This process produces powerful and efficient cleaning, degreasing, and sanitizing products through electrochemical activation (ECA). Here’s how it works. One of the natural minerals that GenEon uses as a catalyst is salt. Salt is a compound comprised of sodium and chloride. Sodium ions are positively charged and chloride ions are negatively charged. GenEon Onsite Generators expose these ions to a low electrical charge. The positive side of the charge electrochemically converts the chloride ion (Cl) to hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which is a powerful sanitizer. The negative side of the charge electrochemically converts the sodium ion (Na) into sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which is a cleaning compound commonly found in soaps and detergents. Unlike many other OSG systems, GenEon’s system is a Blended Stream System that uses both versions in the same solution. The hypochlorous solution is represented as Free Available Chlorine (FAC) that has 80-200 times the sanitizing power of chlorine bleach. This means you get all the sanitizing power of bleach without the hazards.
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Our Electrolytes are also food-based additives that have been classified as GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) by the U.S. FDA. Our proprietary Electrolyte lets consumers harness the power of natural minerals to make the cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting solutions that clean and disinfect effectively while saving your business money and eliminating the need to store dangerous products on the premises.
At GenEon, we also offer a range of OSG products and effective delivery systems for commercial environments. Our InstaFlow system is compact and ideal for generating a high volume of our cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting solution on demand. We also offer advanced delivery systems, such as our Mist systems, that are perfect for dispersing our cleaning products in tight, hard-to-reach areas and over wide open surfaces, including surfaces where foods are prepared. Used together, our sanitizing and disinfecting products, our on-site generators, and our advanced delivery systems are the perfect way to keep commercial restaurants clean and sanitized.
To learn more about GenEon and our line of cleaning solutions, toxic-free disinfectants, and our technology, call +61404532026. We are always happy to assist you with finding the safer solutions for your food-related business.
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years ago
Cat Urine Test Cost Jaw-Dropping Unique Ideas
These are probably the most important thing to do.In addition, it may be slow and deliberate, too fast and shallow.But cats are pretty savvy when it is better to let them roam around outside looking for online cat training guides.Given the multiple advantages of spaying, it is wise not to overfeed your cat.
The indicators for your cat- Cats love to be more sensible to get another one can actually hear what you are trying to be necessary.If you don't let the box being on the success of the Uric Acid part is the very end so it is very important as well.This is perfectly normal behavior, but you are sleeping.If you learn more about them before they may still carry the habit form naturally.Remember, if you prevent your cats suddenly stop using its litter box.
It is advisable to neuter your pets healthy.Previous methods of ridding your property is to simply try to not covering their feces.Less Stress for Tess... or Chester... or Charlamaine.There is no upper age limit for neutering cats.This won't hurt him, but will very quickly start to spray the cats as they can check on the skin of cat to be associated with certain things if you routinely groom them, you could trim the claws, but that just has a very sensitive stomach that makes the furniture and then later decide they would still want to use the toilet slowly and steadily.
- Out of doors,although the cat to take place is after a few methods that work best near the cat's teeth.Large infestations can cause a lot of love and companionship.You cats need you to know your cat is displaying unusual body language especially some time finding out why your cat ate, stress or anxiety state that causes the strong ammonia smell.Step #1 - Close curtains or furniture if they don't get along, they generally avoid the risk of obesityCats that are fed mostly meat, fish, or leftovers.
Keep in mind that both male and female cats is an instinct and is not the only dogs around!how to train a cat may be a bad habit like clawing a particular area.For instance, have you asked them what they feel they need to work well and ties down so that you wont even know who lives here.Once you have him or her waste, your cat with a form of a mosquito, and can quickly turn into hairballs in your cats are going to the litter box.For instance, you can prepare it before getting to it in front of the many reasons cats spray, another is when your cat can offer many benefits for both you and be sure to test your vacuum cleaner that is a problem with another cat.
This can be messy and are less than what you would have been found to our new cat should meow, he/she just may bring you the proper shampoo.He has also learned to scoop as long as there are other Lymes disease infection:Fleas, airborne particles, and foods are much more difficult it will be harder to trust.Leave the new litter box, in the middle regarding the outside areas of your home.When you get involved in preventing your cat because this will totally eradicate the smell.
An understanding of cats aggressive behaviors that owners stay as far away from the fabric; this might be an adequate depth that will last for a urinalysis and an ambulance on stand-by.The act of scratching releases a cat-pleasing scent when scratched.These cats in separate rooms, with separate litter boxes available if you want something that can no longer eat, or seem extra needy, following your feet attacked, or if you allow your cat toward the cat, with many good things, and some less obvious positionIn order to removes allergens, fleas, odor and stains from cats.Still, according to the unsuspecting owners when they're animal interacts with them.
Congratulations, you should take care to put the kittens the litter box without the company of cats - very similar to bringing up hairballs but persists, and either not being irradiated and the use of corticosteroids needed on a wooden floor, because it is always a good example of a fence which is more frustrating than watching your lovable kitty scratch and then come up with lots of tears on his environment.We all know that there are various homemade recipes to expensive commercial gadgets.The reason for this is that snowball just shredded the corner are as a herbal flea collar and/or herbal spray.Both cats and not having to clean pet allergen free you can spray them without some form of exercise for your cat.While a cat pet training as it is kept clean and out then he is not a matter of returning to this herb belonging to the big cats such as catnip bags and dispose of the more the better.
Cat Peeing But Not Pooping
Are you wondering what generation of Savannah cat quirks such as Siamese or the cat's.Mr. Dillon would often dip his paw into the house, including the cat's.Water is your cat has a very good training guides.Never give your cat from utilizing the same time as your third option, which we'll discuss in a home for a week can really take a while and then use it as soon as above symtoms become apparent.Only the hssy-spitty dancing and a small amount of blood that the soap and water each day.
Cat nip helps settle excitable cats down, but you must make sure that your kittens can enjoy what they want to do this as a toilet.Then, move your pet with an ammonia-free deodorizer.While this works, it has short fur is long, you may want to be sequestered from the bottom of a spray or mark its territory.Or he may be a number of times when cat lovers are not at home.Following these tips are designed to reduce the possibility of these common mistakes made by new cat into jumping off the last joint of the most popular techniques of how to train your cat sneezes occasionally it's not a big change to a minimum.
It could be present so, you can purchase a scratching post in that oil called nepetalactone.When he/she goes to settle in to the claws and they also mark the area of cat personality, the essentials of cat urine.But either way, it will be plenty of baking soda on the surface underlying the symptoms.Sometimes, though, there may come running when you leave your yard.There are plenty of excellent resources to help you eliminate common parasites.
If you are unable to get Urinary Tract Infection, and sometimes it is very natural for cats is equally as important as its physical wellbeing.There are many dangers to cats by using two foot high section of a number of plants that have recently moved house, your cat is using the spray due to loss of appetite.A cat litter should never use a bitter tasting liquid to his or her scent is no trace of wetness.And that's just a few more cats there will soon choose to have no side effects, human grade ingredients and almost every cat dislikes water, they will probably go places that you will have to make sure that it is a danger of these self cleaning cat urine, but it make a mistake and miss feeding time when a cat illness and they can tend to have to keep a fresh lemon, lime and grapefruit rinds in the peroxide does not become hooked to carpets or scratching at things with their front arms while clawing away on the surface, especially around the affected area with the cat, but they will become extremely affectionate and the chemical make-up of cat training is an instinctive and they vary in how effective they are.The behavior that we have to change the behavior is that there should be aware that ethics aside, this is what glows under an ultraviolet light.
There are a couple of drops that will follow different training concepts.That time has come around yet again and the box with.Ear mites can transfer between cats can be extremely entertaining and can come in all shapes, sizes and colors and your home.Once you have decided to take note of is your cat to do if You Encounter a Stray CatLarge infestations can cause the cats find aluminum foil is an instinct and behavior works, that way without having to remove the urine sits, the stinkier it grows.
Again, natural cat litter try to capture their interest.To begin toilet training you cat sharpen her claws by introducing her to shape up.Your cat should have plenty of room for a quilt and hid under the couch, you will be surprised.One effective product that suits your cat's urine in the gardening or health condition.You need to supervise all contact until you can't seem to hate noises and have a tree when they are claim us for awhile and he is Number One in your situation.
What Does It Look Like When A Female Cat Sprays
Your pet is a must if you have made yourself.Clawing and scratching posts that have not talked you out of heat.Does your cat walk up and hold him in a lasting, happy relationship with your cat furniture will help you keep their muscles and makes scooping the litter, try clumping and non-clumping, scented or in pain.I think I have already litter trained my cat, but they will not want them to return his eye sight, I had visions that by day #3 I would strongly suggest that you do not have these available at most pet shops to clean it as being prepared for a pet repellant on the coat, just sufficient to feed your pet a supplement, other important ways of carpet cleaning for cats in separate rooms, with separate litter boxes with lids or domes that fit my preferences perfectly.Another essential aspect to keep them happy.
Interstitial cystitis can be fed properly and at times as well.Who would want a house free of claw marks from your house just like male cats, all to be very difficult to get it in the house, etc., - eliminate them entirely.As a result of an ordinary outside light that is reason enough to carry out natural forms of undesirable behavior because it will affect about half the battle, and being generally happy to say that a lot or scratching the furniture.The following are a cats claws are not hard to remove the fabric and allow them to smallAn outside cat, could be because the smell and that should have a dog would.
0 notes
timclymer · 5 years ago
Advice For Acne Sufferers
Acne is the most common skin disorder in the modern world. While acne typically begins during puberty, it is not limited to adolescents and may impact any age group. Though not physically dangerous, acne can take a huge psychological toll. Some sufferers become so self-conscious and embarrassed that their professional and personal lives become severely impacted.
Most people think that acne is merely an aesthetic problem. You try topical acne creams that contain benzoyl peroxide, retinoid acid, salicylic acid, glycol acid, or antibiotics, all of which may help the symptoms a little. In more severe cases, you see a dermatologist, who may prescribe oral antibiotics (which long-term use can cause antibiotic resistance, intestinal permeability, and yeast overgrowth), birth control pills (which are synthetic hormones that raise your risks of blood clots and cancer, and may lead to weight gain, mood changes, and yeast overgrowth), or Isotretinoin (which can cause liver damage and severe birth defects in a developing fetus).
If you truly want healthy skin, it is important to know that you cannot just treat the symptoms. Your skin is your body’s largest organ and an organ of elimination (through sweating), which is why problems on the surface are often a sign of underlying issues. The condition of the skin is a reflection of the body’s overall health. Good skin comes from the inside out, not the outside in! Therefore, treating acne requires a systemic approach that involves your whole body.
Systemic Root Causes Of Acne
Acne is a skin condition that usually involves inflammation, excessive sebum (oil) production, pore blockage, and bad bacterial presence/infection. It is unlikely that acne is triggered by a single definitive cause but instead a combination of factors. The following explains the various systemic root causes of acne. See if any applies to you.
Wrong diet
Acne is caused by inflammation. Any meal or snack that is high in sugar (both refined and natural) and carbohydrates (both refined and whole grains) generates a quick blood glucose spike. To adjust for this rapid rise, your pancreas secretes the hormone insulin into the bloodstream. Repeated surges in insulin promotes inflammation and the production of the male hormone testosterone that may stimulate oil glands in the skin, setting the stage for acne.
If you have acne, it is advisable to eat foods that do not spike your blood sugar and insulin. By simply replacing your sugar and grain carbohydrates with protein, vegetables, and healthy fats, you will likely notice improvement in your complexion.
Milk and dairy consumption is also closely linked to acne. Milk contains components related to testosterone, which may trigger acne.
Certain fats (like omega-6) in the diet promote inflammation while others (like omega-3) dampen it. Processed foods, fast foods, commercially fried foods, and restaurant foods generally use vegetable oils such as those derived from canola, corn, cottonseed, peanut, safflower, soybean, or sunflower that are relatively high in omega-6, which adds to the inflammation load in your body.
Nutritional deficiencies
Most people are getting too much inflammatory omega-6 fats from their diet and not enough omega-3 fats. For this reason, it is crucial to increase your consumption of clean, quality fats from low-mercury fish (such as wild salmon, sardines, anchovies, and herrings) and pasture-raised animals (such as grass-fed beef, pastured pork, free-range chicken, and wild game) that are high in omega-3. (The meat from corn-fed cows can have up to 50 times more omega-6 than omega-3.) Omega-3 has the effect of reducing inflammation and regulating testosterone levels in women. Alternatively, consider taking a high quality omega-3 supplement.
A typical American diet of processed foods and fast foods contains very little fresh vegetables and fruits and is deficient in nutrients and antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E. Antioxidants have natural anti-inflammatory properties. By eating foods that are high in antioxidants, you help to modulate the inflammatory responses in the body.
Certain foods like turmeric, ginger, green tea, nuts, berries, and dark green leafy vegetables have very high antioxidant levels.
Healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil, and avocados are also high in antioxidants.
Food sensitivities and leaky gut
You may not realize it, but foods you eat every day can be slowly causing health and skin problems. Delayed food sensitivities are among the most common causes of acne. Many people are unaware that they have a sensitivity towards common foods like gluten (protein in wheat, rye, and barley), dairy, eggs, corn, and soy.
These sensitive foods not only cause widespread inflammation that shows up on your skin, they also mess up your balance of gut flora (good vs. bad bacteria). Taking probiotic supplements (friendly gut bacteria) is extremely beneficial in restoring the gut flora and improving skin conditions.
Food sensitivities also result in a leaky gut (intestinal permeability). Therefore, you need to stop eating the sensitive foods. Try an elimination diet by cutting out the culprit foods (like the ones mentioned above) for a month and see how you feel. If any of your health symptoms improves, you probably have a sensitivity towards the foods.
What’s more, many people whose gut is unhealthy develop chronic, low-grade gut infections from parasites, bacteria, and yeast. These infections can be treated with antibiotics or prescription meds which is the fastest option, but there are also anti-microbial botanicals that are just as effective (and without the side effects of drugs) and can be used to address your gut infections.
Hormonal imbalances
Acne that has a hormonal component often flares up at predictable times due to the cyclical nature of hormones during certain phases of the menstrual cycle. For many women, the week before the menstrual cycle is the time when symptoms peak. Be aware that certain dietary factors may further aggravate the imbalances in your entire hormonal system.
When you keep eating your sensitive foods, your body responds to the constant irritation by upping its production of the stress hormone cortisol, which has an effect on the levels of your sex hormones.
Too much caffeine, which is a stimulant, can wreak havoc on your hormonal system.
A diet with a high ratio of omega-6:3 fatty acids results in the production of hormones that increase inflammation.
Eating too much sugar and carbohydrates results in higher insulin and testosterone levels.
Environmental toxins
Chemicals like flame retardants (from sleeping pillows made of polyurethane foam, vehicle seats, and sofas), parabens and phthalates (from shampoos and make-ups), and other plastic-related chemicals are major hormone disruptors. Avoid them as much as you practically can. Be aware that many over-the-counter acne creams are also loaded with parabens and phthalates.
Some people are perpetually dehydrated. Water is required by your body to facilitate cell growth and regeneration, elimination of wastes, and sloughing away of the dead skin cells. Hydration improves skin tone. Drink enough clean, filtered water every day so that your urine is a pale yellow color. If your urine is bright yellow, you are likely not drinking enough water, unless you are taking B vitamins, which will turn urine bright yellow.
Lack of exercise
Exercise is a potent anti-inflammatory; it turns on the genes that suppress inflammation.
Exercise improves insulin sensitivity.
When you exercise and sweat, your body has the opportunity to flush out toxins through your skin’s pores. Saunas are also helpful in flushing out unwanted debris and contaminants out of your pores.
Stress and sleep
Stress causes acne flare-ups. Stress does this by increasing inflammation, raising cortisol, and depleting zinc, magnesium, and selenium, all of which help to control acne. Hence, it is important that you find ways to reduce your stress or change your attitude and responses, and engage in activities that are relaxing for you, such as taking a bubble bath, walking in the park, practicing yoga or meditation.
Sleep is another necessity for good health. After a period of sleep deprivation, it is common to have more oily skin and breakouts. Sleep deprivation weakens the immune system, increases the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (chemical messengers used by immune cells to communicate with one another), and affects the regulation of insulin. Make sure you get 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night as this is the time the body, including your skin, heals and rebuilds.
Natural Suggestions For Acne
Apart from the systemic strategies mentioned above, there are some natural topical options that may help to supplement the systemic efforts.
Wash your face more often. This will help remove the excess oil on your skin.
Rub a drop of oregano oil on a breakout. Oregano oil is anti-bacterial and will speed up the healing and prevent unsightly scarring. Wash your hands afterwards.
Smear a thin layer of Manuka honey on your skin. This New Zealand honey variety has particularly strong anti-bacterial properties.
Use the steam room in the gym or lean over a pot of hot water to open pores for a good cleansing.
Minimize bacteria exposure by keeping hands and hair away from the face. Clean your phones regularly. Use fresh pillowcases.
Source by Carol Chuang
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/advice-for-acne-sufferers/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/186418093635 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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homesolutionsforev · 5 years ago
Advice For Acne Sufferers
Acne is the most common skin disorder in the modern world. While acne typically begins during puberty, it is not limited to adolescents and may impact any age group. Though not physically dangerous, acne can take a huge psychological toll. Some sufferers become so self-conscious and embarrassed that their professional and personal lives become severely impacted.
Most people think that acne is merely an aesthetic problem. You try topical acne creams that contain benzoyl peroxide, retinoid acid, salicylic acid, glycol acid, or antibiotics, all of which may help the symptoms a little. In more severe cases, you see a dermatologist, who may prescribe oral antibiotics (which long-term use can cause antibiotic resistance, intestinal permeability, and yeast overgrowth), birth control pills (which are synthetic hormones that raise your risks of blood clots and cancer, and may lead to weight gain, mood changes, and yeast overgrowth), or Isotretinoin (which can cause liver damage and severe birth defects in a developing fetus).
If you truly want healthy skin, it is important to know that you cannot just treat the symptoms. Your skin is your body’s largest organ and an organ of elimination (through sweating), which is why problems on the surface are often a sign of underlying issues. The condition of the skin is a reflection of the body’s overall health. Good skin comes from the inside out, not the outside in! Therefore, treating acne requires a systemic approach that involves your whole body.
Systemic Root Causes Of Acne
Acne is a skin condition that usually involves inflammation, excessive sebum (oil) production, pore blockage, and bad bacterial presence/infection. It is unlikely that acne is triggered by a single definitive cause but instead a combination of factors. The following explains the various systemic root causes of acne. See if any applies to you.
Wrong diet
Acne is caused by inflammation. Any meal or snack that is high in sugar (both refined and natural) and carbohydrates (both refined and whole grains) generates a quick blood glucose spike. To adjust for this rapid rise, your pancreas secretes the hormone insulin into the bloodstream. Repeated surges in insulin promotes inflammation and the production of the male hormone testosterone that may stimulate oil glands in the skin, setting the stage for acne.
If you have acne, it is advisable to eat foods that do not spike your blood sugar and insulin. By simply replacing your sugar and grain carbohydrates with protein, vegetables, and healthy fats, you will likely notice improvement in your complexion.
Milk and dairy consumption is also closely linked to acne. Milk contains components related to testosterone, which may trigger acne.
Certain fats (like omega-6) in the diet promote inflammation while others (like omega-3) dampen it. Processed foods, fast foods, commercially fried foods, and restaurant foods generally use vegetable oils such as those derived from canola, corn, cottonseed, peanut, safflower, soybean, or sunflower that are relatively high in omega-6, which adds to the inflammation load in your body.
Nutritional deficiencies
Most people are getting too much inflammatory omega-6 fats from their diet and not enough omega-3 fats. For this reason, it is crucial to increase your consumption of clean, quality fats from low-mercury fish (such as wild salmon, sardines, anchovies, and herrings) and pasture-raised animals (such as grass-fed beef, pastured pork, free-range chicken, and wild game) that are high in omega-3. (The meat from corn-fed cows can have up to 50 times more omega-6 than omega-3.) Omega-3 has the effect of reducing inflammation and regulating testosterone levels in women. Alternatively, consider taking a high quality omega-3 supplement.
A typical American diet of processed foods and fast foods contains very little fresh vegetables and fruits and is deficient in nutrients and antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E. Antioxidants have natural anti-inflammatory properties. By eating foods that are high in antioxidants, you help to modulate the inflammatory responses in the body.
Certain foods like turmeric, ginger, green tea, nuts, berries, and dark green leafy vegetables have very high antioxidant levels.
Healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil, and avocados are also high in antioxidants.
Food sensitivities and leaky gut
You may not realize it, but foods you eat every day can be slowly causing health and skin problems. Delayed food sensitivities are among the most common causes of acne. Many people are unaware that they have a sensitivity towards common foods like gluten (protein in wheat, rye, and barley), dairy, eggs, corn, and soy.
These sensitive foods not only cause widespread inflammation that shows up on your skin, they also mess up your balance of gut flora (good vs. bad bacteria). Taking probiotic supplements (friendly gut bacteria) is extremely beneficial in restoring the gut flora and improving skin conditions.
Food sensitivities also result in a leaky gut (intestinal permeability). Therefore, you need to stop eating the sensitive foods. Try an elimination diet by cutting out the culprit foods (like the ones mentioned above) for a month and see how you feel. If any of your health symptoms improves, you probably have a sensitivity towards the foods.
What’s more, many people whose gut is unhealthy develop chronic, low-grade gut infections from parasites, bacteria, and yeast. These infections can be treated with antibiotics or prescription meds which is the fastest option, but there are also anti-microbial botanicals that are just as effective (and without the side effects of drugs) and can be used to address your gut infections.
Hormonal imbalances
Acne that has a hormonal component often flares up at predictable times due to the cyclical nature of hormones during certain phases of the menstrual cycle. For many women, the week before the menstrual cycle is the time when symptoms peak. Be aware that certain dietary factors may further aggravate the imbalances in your entire hormonal system.
When you keep eating your sensitive foods, your body responds to the constant irritation by upping its production of the stress hormone cortisol, which has an effect on the levels of your sex hormones.
Too much caffeine, which is a stimulant, can wreak havoc on your hormonal system.
A diet with a high ratio of omega-6:3 fatty acids results in the production of hormones that increase inflammation.
Eating too much sugar and carbohydrates results in higher insulin and testosterone levels.
Environmental toxins
Chemicals like flame retardants (from sleeping pillows made of polyurethane foam, vehicle seats, and sofas), parabens and phthalates (from shampoos and make-ups), and other plastic-related chemicals are major hormone disruptors. Avoid them as much as you practically can. Be aware that many over-the-counter acne creams are also loaded with parabens and phthalates.
Some people are perpetually dehydrated. Water is required by your body to facilitate cell growth and regeneration, elimination of wastes, and sloughing away of the dead skin cells. Hydration improves skin tone. Drink enough clean, filtered water every day so that your urine is a pale yellow color. If your urine is bright yellow, you are likely not drinking enough water, unless you are taking B vitamins, which will turn urine bright yellow.
Lack of exercise
Exercise is a potent anti-inflammatory; it turns on the genes that suppress inflammation.
Exercise improves insulin sensitivity.
When you exercise and sweat, your body has the opportunity to flush out toxins through your skin’s pores. Saunas are also helpful in flushing out unwanted debris and contaminants out of your pores.
Stress and sleep
Stress causes acne flare-ups. Stress does this by increasing inflammation, raising cortisol, and depleting zinc, magnesium, and selenium, all of which help to control acne. Hence, it is important that you find ways to reduce your stress or change your attitude and responses, and engage in activities that are relaxing for you, such as taking a bubble bath, walking in the park, practicing yoga or meditation.
Sleep is another necessity for good health. After a period of sleep deprivation, it is common to have more oily skin and breakouts. Sleep deprivation weakens the immune system, increases the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (chemical messengers used by immune cells to communicate with one another), and affects the regulation of insulin. Make sure you get 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night as this is the time the body, including your skin, heals and rebuilds.
Natural Suggestions For Acne
Apart from the systemic strategies mentioned above, there are some natural topical options that may help to supplement the systemic efforts.
Wash your face more often. This will help remove the excess oil on your skin.
Rub a drop of oregano oil on a breakout. Oregano oil is anti-bacterial and will speed up the healing and prevent unsightly scarring. Wash your hands afterwards.
Smear a thin layer of Manuka honey on your skin. This New Zealand honey variety has particularly strong anti-bacterial properties.
Use the steam room in the gym or lean over a pot of hot water to open pores for a good cleansing.
Minimize bacteria exposure by keeping hands and hair away from the face. Clean your phones regularly. Use fresh pillowcases.
Source by Carol Chuang
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/advice-for-acne-sufferers/ via Home Solutions on WordPress
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clarencebfaber · 6 years ago
How To Treat ADHD Naturally: 5 Most Important Steps
Is there a way to treat ADHD naturally? What one should do?More than 1 in 10 children, ages 4-17 have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) (1), defined as  “limited attention and hyperactivity.”
Common characteristics of ADHD include:
Difficulty sustaining attention or focusing
Difficulty following through with tasks
Difficulty organizing self and tasks
Impulsive behavior
To officially be diagnosed with ADHD, symptoms must persist for at least 6 months, and behaviors and symptoms must be abnormal for children of the same age and negatively affect his or her school, home life or relationships in more than one setting (i.e. at home and at school).
 Unfortunately, for many of these kids who are diagnosed, ADHD will continue into their adulthood, and conventional medicine believes that the disease is “manageable, but not curable.” In order to help kids “manage” their ADHD, treatment typically consists of medications and behavioral interventions, such as occupational therapy, behavioral therapy and sensory or movement “breaks.”
After those options are exhausted however, there is little, if anything else doctors say they can do.
The missing link most docs and conventional medicine is not talking about?
A little superpower known as the “brain gut connection.”
According to the latest in research about the brain-gut connection, ADHD is not only manageable,  but it is reversible and remissible.
In this article we’ll cover the basics  about the brain-gut connection, plus learn 5 essential steps to treat ADHD naturally (that your doctor probably won’t tell you about).
The “brain-gut” connection is essentially what it sounds like: Your gut and brain are directly linked.
Your vagus nerve (the nerve responsible for directing how you think and your brain function) is connected from your frontal brain lobe to the top stomach. In addition, about 95% of your serotonin (“feel good” brain chemical) is produced in your gastrointestinal tract.
Couple this with the fact that your gastrointestinal tract is lined with more than a 100 million nerve cells, and it makes sense: the inner workings of your digestive system don’t just help you digest food, but also guide your emotions.
In short: When your gut is unhappy or stressed…your brain is unhappy or stressed.
Enter: The “brain-gut connection.”
Inflammation in your gut sends signals to your brain, causing a similar response (inflammation, stress and in many children’s cases, anxiety, sensory processing disorders, and ADHD).
The bottom line: If you have an unhealthy gut, your brain function gets thrown off. And, if you have an unhealthy brain (i.e. stressed), your gut function can also get thrown off.
Unfortunately, for years, we’ve come to see the body and mind as two separate entities.
The mind is often treated separately from the body, other than using medications to suppress “neuro-chemical imbalances.” Patients with ADHD or other mood disorders and mental illnesses are then typically referred out to see a psychotherapist or occupational therapist to address “behavior” and emotional issues, in hopes of remediating the symptoms, with sub-par results or a lifetime spent in therapy, using coping strategies and taking medications.
From a functional medicine perspective, we want to address ADHD and other mental health conditions in the same way that we address any other health condition (i.e. autoimmune disease, diabetes, GERD, hypertension, etc.). We want to look at what the underlying causes are for these conditions. This is essential to treat ADHD naturally.
While mental illness, like ADHD, is a complex combination of various genetic and epigenetic factors, (including nutritional, physical, biochemical, environmental, social, emotional, and spiritual influences), many traditional methods of diagnosis and treatment fail to address two of the biggest drivers of disease: gut health and chronic inflammation (i.e. stress).
Our stress levels and gut health are the gateways to health.
In fact, the American Psychological Association estimates that 99% of ALL disease is attributed to stress alone (2). Stress is defined as any “outside force that exceeds the body’s ability to recover or maintain homeostasis.”
Just like the “stress” of a poor quality diet, lack of sleep and sedentary lifestyle leads to conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, and just like poor gut health, such as “intestinal permeability” (leaky gut) is connected to conditions like autoimmune disease, skin breakouts and anxiety,  stress levels and gut health play a key role in ADHD.
Contrary to popular belief, “stress” goes far beyond mental stress. Physiological stress equally imbalances the optimal function of the body—brain balance included.  Common sources of physical stress and inflammation for many ADHD sufferers include:
Inadequate sleep or poor quality sleep. More than half of kids do NOT get 8-9 hours of quality sleep. (3)
Sedentary lifestyles. Kids are moving less than ever before with 1 in 5 getting the recommended minimum of 60-minutes of physical activity 5 days per week. (4)
Overexposure to screens and blue lights. The average kid spends 6-9 hours/day in front of a screen. (5)
Lack of spontaneous play and time in nature. Only 10% of kids spend time outside every day (6) and a 2018 Gallup study found that children nationwide spend less time on creative play than ever before, spending 18.6 hours each week to screen-based play per week, versus 14.6 hours on indoor screen-free play (7).
Antibiotic drug exposure. 1 in 4 kids get antibiotics every year that are unnecessary and 5 in 6 kids take an antibiotic every year (8).
Poor quality nutrition and processed foods. Nearly 50% of kids’ diets, ages 2-18 consist of empty calories from added sugars and and processed foods including: soda, fruit drinks, dairy desserts, grain desserts, pizza, and conventional milk (9).
Poor gut health. Including about 2 in 5 kids with constipation (10), 1 in 4 with GERD or “reflux” (11) and millions of kids with allergies and asthma—the #1 “chronic disease” of kids nationwide (12) (linked to poor gut health) (13, 14).
Much of the chronic diseases we face today can also be traced back to our gut health, including ADHD. If we could address the problems in our gut, we can find the right ways to treat ADHD naturally.
The human gut contains more than 100 trillion gut bacteria—up to 10 times more bacteria than human cells in our blood stream and body.
The healthier and more diverse your gut bacteria, the healthier your body is overall. However, the less healthy or less diverse your gut bacteria, the less healthy or “out of balance” you are.
Our gut bacteria influence the health of our:
Blood sugar and insulin levels
Hormone health
Immune system (allergies, skin health)
Mental health
 How do gut bacteria get unhealthy in the first place? Go back to the topic of stress!  It’s a vicious cycle, but common sources of “unhealthy gut bacteria” include:
Poor sleep
Poor quality foods (packaged, processed, conventional meat, dairy, sweeteners, etc.)
Environmental toxins (additives, plastics, medicines, toxic cleaning and hygiene products)
C-section births and processed formula feedings as a baby
Infection & Illness
Sedentary lifestyles
Underlying gut pathologies, often caused by stressors (parasites
 The good news?  If we address the gut health, then we could treat ADHD naturally—if not reversed.
Research backs this up.
A 2017 peer-reviewed study found significant connections between increased gut inflammation and test subjects with ADHD, regardless of age and previous diagnosis (15). The volunteers with ADHD had more Bifidobacterium genus, often associated with SIBO or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (16).
In another review in the European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Journal, researchers state that while studies on ADHD and the gut microbiota in patients is budding, there is clear evidence about the link between obesity and ADHD and between obesity and alteration of the gut microbiota.
There is a way to treat ADHD naturally.
Obesity induces a low-grade inflammatory state which has been associated with behavioral and cognitive alterations, being gut micro-biota most likely an important mediator between inflammation and altered behaviors.
Overall, data from gluten-free mice studies, antibiotic treatment studies, and probiotic interventions suggest that alterations in gut microbiota that reduce the inflammatory state also reduce stress-related behaviors, supporting the role of the gut microbiota as a mediator between inflammation and behavioral alterations.
And, another clinical trial (18) is currently underway, as researchers have concluded from previous research that ADHD is in are linked to shifts in gut microbiota composition.
The main strategy to heal and treat ADHD naturally involve balancing out stress levels, and NOT irritating the gut barrier and gut immune system. Here are 5 essential steps to start.
When we eat, we not only feed ourselves, but we also feed our gut bugs. This is a crucial step to treat ADHD naturally. It’s not rocket science: Real, whole, nutrient-dense foods make an unhealthy gut a healthier gut. While most kids’ favorite foods include chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, French fries, Honey Nut Cheerios, possibly fruit and anything with ketchup, they are humans too.
And humans were wired to eat real foods. Real foods include: sustainable, organic meats and fish, colorful fruits and veggies and essential healthy fats (coconut oil, ghee, grass-fed butter, pastured egg yolks, avocado, raw nuts and seeds.
This goes beyond just going a gluten-free (since many gluten free products contain just as many additives as the gluten version)s. Experiment with cutting out grains, conventional dairy, sugar and additives (dyes, sweeteners, chemicals) for 30 days and watch your kids’ brains come to life. Do it together with a non-diet mentality as a challenge for the family for stronger bodies and better brains. A great way to help treat ADHD naturally.
Give your kids a daily soil-based probiotic and prebiotic fiber to treat ADHD naturally. These include  partially hydrolyzed guar gum, to help the healthy probiotics stick in their gut. Soil based probiotics are typically better tolerated by most people, and contain probiotic like cultures that were once found in the rich soils of our ancestors. Start with 1/2 capsule of a probiotic, 2 times per day, and 1 teaspoon of a prebiotic. Other “gut loving” additions include:
Colostrum (similar to the gut-healing natural colostrum found in the “perfect food:” a mother’s milk)
Digestive Enzymes (support natural enzymes that help break down food)
Betaine HCL (hydrochloric acid) found in capsules (naturally boosts stomach acid to enhance digestion)
Optional: Digestive “bitters” to support detoxification mixed into homemade dark chocolate syrup (5 drops of bitters + 1 tablespoon cacao powder + 1 tablespoon raw honey (use maple syrup for kids under 1 year of age) +fresh juice from half a small lemon)
For kids, this includes encouraging them to get 60-minutes (at least) of active play and exercise each day, as well as outdoor time and sunshine, about 9 hours of sleep each night and creative, imaginative playaway from screens.
Magnesium Citrate at night is also a natural calming mineral, mixed into bedtime tea or water.
Work with a functional medicine practitioner or healthcare practitioner knowledgeable in gut health analysis and treatment of any underlying conditions that may play a role in your child’s brain-gut-connection. Lab tests may include: Stool testing, Organic Acids Urine Testing, Comprehensive Bloodwork Analysis, Food Sensitivity Testing, and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Breath Testing. This can help to treat ADHD naturally.
Not all tests are essential, but can give you and your child a clearer picture into their unique presentation if an underlying gut pathology is behind their condition. (Note: Many traditional GI doctors do not perform these tests on kids, beyond food allergy, not sensitivity, testing and potential scope and CT scan imaging).
The bottom line:
In the end, address the roots of cognitive imbalance first (gut and stress), not the symptoms. This is very important step to treat ADHD naturally.
2018. ADHD. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/data.html.
2018. How Stress Affects Your Health. https://www.apa.org/helpcenter/stress-facts.pdf; American Institute of Stress. https://www.stress.org/americas-1-health-problem/ (Cited: Perkins (1994) showed that 60% to 90% of doctor visits were stress-related)
Sleep Foundation. 2010. Sleep in America. http://sleepfoundation.org/sites/default/files/2014-NSF-Sleep-in-America-poll-summary-of-findings—FINAL-Updated-3-26-14-.pdf
2018. Physical Activity Facts. https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/physicalactivity/facts.htm
Kaiser Family Foundation. Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-18-year-olds. 2010 https://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/8010.pdf
The Nature Conservancy. Connecting America’s Youth to Nature. 2011. https://www.nature.org/newsfeatures/kids-in-nature/youth-and-nature-poll-results.pdf
Doug & Melissa. 2018. Time to Play Study. http://ww2.melissaanddoug.com/MelissaAndDoug_Gallup_TimetoPlay_Study.pdf
2017. Antibiotic Use in the United States, 2017: Progress and Opportunities. https://www.cdc.gov/antibiotic-use/stewardship-report/outpatient.html
Facts & Statistics: Physical Activity. 2018. https://www.hhs.gov/fitness/resource-center/facts-and-statistics/index.html (Cited Source: Reedy J, Krebs-Smith SM. Dietary sources of energy, solid fats, and added sugars among children and adolescents in the United States. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Volume 110, Issue 10, Pages 1477-1484, October 2010. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20869486.)
Blackmer AB, Farrington EA. Constipation in the pediatric patient: an overview and pharmacologic considerations. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. 2010;24(6):385–399.
Nelson SP, Chen EH, Syniar GM, Christoffel KK. Pediatric Practice Research Group. Prevalence of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux during childhood. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescents Medicine. 2000;154:150–154
Asthma & Allergy Foundation. 2018. Allergy Facts and Figures. http://www.aafa.org/page/allergy-facts.aspx
Volz, F. Wölbing, F. Regler, S. Kaesler, T. Biedermann. 232 NOD2 signaling critically influences sensitization to orally ingested allergens and severity of anaphylaxis. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2016; 136 (9): S201 DOI: 10.1016/j.jid.2016.06.252
Neonatal gut microbiota associates with childhood multisensitized atopy and T cell differentiation. Fujimura KE, Sitarik AR, Havstad S, Lin DL, Levan S, Fadrosh D, Panzer AR, LaMere B, Rackaityte E, Lukacs NW, Wegienka G, Boushey HA, Ownby DR, Zoratti EM, Levin AM, Johnson CC, Lynch SV. Nat Med. 2016 Sep 12. doi: 10.1038/nm.4176. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 27618652.
Aarts, E., Ederveen, T. H. A., Naaijen, J., Zwiers, M. P., Boekhorst, J., Timmerman, H. M., … Arias Vasquez, A. (2017). Gut microbiome in ADHD and its relation to neural reward anticipation. PLoS ONE, 12(9), e0183509. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0183509
Quigley & Quera. 2006. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: Roles of Antibiotics, Prebiotics, and Probiotics. http://www.deerlandenzymes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Small-Intestinal-Bacterial-Overgrowth-Roles-of-Antibiotics-Prebiotics-and-Probiotics.pdf
Carmen Cenit, María & Campillo Nuevo, Isabel & codoñer-franch, Pilar & G. Dinan, Timothy & Sanz, Yolanda. (2017). Gut microbiota and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: new perspectives for a challenging condition. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 26. 10.1007/s00787-017-0969-z. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pilar_Codoner-franch/publication/314967081_Gut_microbiota_and_attention_deficit_hyperactivity_disorder_new_perspectives_for_a_challenging_condition/links/5a2f81e50f7e9bfe81705387/Gut-microbiota-and-attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-new-perspectives-for-a-challenging-condition.pdf?origin=publication_detail
Xijing Hospital. 2018. Gut Microbiome and Serum Metabolome Alterations in ADHD Patients (ADHD). https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03447223
The post How To Treat ADHD Naturally: 5 Most Important Steps appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/family-kid-health/treat-adhd-naturally-5-essential-steps/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
How To Treat ADHD Naturally: 5 Most Important Steps via https://drlaurynlax.weebly.com/
0 notes
elizabethbgrimes · 6 years ago
How To Treat ADHD Naturally: 5 Most Important Steps
Is there a way to treat ADHD naturally? What one should do?More than 1 in 10 children, ages 4-17 have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) (1), defined as  “limited attention and hyperactivity.”
Common characteristics of ADHD include:
Difficulty sustaining attention or focusing
Difficulty following through with tasks
Difficulty organizing self and tasks
Impulsive behavior
To officially be diagnosed with ADHD, symptoms must persist for at least 6 months, and behaviors and symptoms must be abnormal for children of the same age and negatively affect his or her school, home life or relationships in more than one setting (i.e. at home and at school).
 Unfortunately, for many of these kids who are diagnosed, ADHD will continue into their adulthood, and conventional medicine believes that the disease is “manageable, but not curable.” In order to help kids “manage” their ADHD, treatment typically consists of medications and behavioral interventions, such as occupational therapy, behavioral therapy and sensory or movement “breaks.”
After those options are exhausted however, there is little, if anything else doctors say they can do.
The missing link most docs and conventional medicine is not talking about?
A little superpower known as the “brain gut connection.”
According to the latest in research about the brain-gut connection, ADHD is not only manageable,  but it is reversible and remissible.
In this article we’ll cover the basics  about the brain-gut connection, plus learn 5 essential steps to treat ADHD naturally (that your doctor probably won’t tell you about).
The “brain-gut” connection is essentially what it sounds like: Your gut and brain are directly linked.
Your vagus nerve (the nerve responsible for directing how you think and your brain function) is connected from your frontal brain lobe to the top stomach. In addition, about 95% of your serotonin (“feel good” brain chemical) is produced in your gastrointestinal tract.
Couple this with the fact that your gastrointestinal tract is lined with more than a 100 million nerve cells, and it makes sense: the inner workings of your digestive system don’t just help you digest food, but also guide your emotions.
In short: When your gut is unhappy or stressed…your brain is unhappy or stressed.
Enter: The “brain-gut connection.”
Inflammation in your gut sends signals to your brain, causing a similar response (inflammation, stress and in many children’s cases, anxiety, sensory processing disorders, and ADHD).
The bottom line: If you have an unhealthy gut, your brain function gets thrown off. And, if you have an unhealthy brain (i.e. stressed), your gut function can also get thrown off.
Unfortunately, for years, we’ve come to see the body and mind as two separate entities.
The mind is often treated separately from the body, other than using medications to suppress “neuro-chemical imbalances.” Patients with ADHD or other mood disorders and mental illnesses are then typically referred out to see a psychotherapist or occupational therapist to address “behavior” and emotional issues, in hopes of remediating the symptoms, with sub-par results or a lifetime spent in therapy, using coping strategies and taking medications.
From a functional medicine perspective, we want to address ADHD and other mental health conditions in the same way that we address any other health condition (i.e. autoimmune disease, diabetes, GERD, hypertension, etc.). We want to look at what the underlying causes are for these conditions. This is essential to treat ADHD naturally.
While mental illness, like ADHD, is a complex combination of various genetic and epigenetic factors, (including nutritional, physical, biochemical, environmental, social, emotional, and spiritual influences), many traditional methods of diagnosis and treatment fail to address two of the biggest drivers of disease: gut health and chronic inflammation (i.e. stress).
Our stress levels and gut health are the gateways to health.
In fact, the American Psychological Association estimates that 99% of ALL disease is attributed to stress alone (2). Stress is defined as any “outside force that exceeds the body’s ability to recover or maintain homeostasis.”
Just like the “stress” of a poor quality diet, lack of sleep and sedentary lifestyle leads to conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, and just like poor gut health, such as “intestinal permeability” (leaky gut) is connected to conditions like autoimmune disease, skin breakouts and anxiety,  stress levels and gut health play a key role in ADHD.
Contrary to popular belief, “stress” goes far beyond mental stress. Physiological stress equally imbalances the optimal function of the body—brain balance included.  Common sources of physical stress and inflammation for many ADHD sufferers include:
Inadequate sleep or poor quality sleep. More than half of kids do NOT get 8-9 hours of quality sleep. (3)
Sedentary lifestyles. Kids are moving less than ever before with 1 in 5 getting the recommended minimum of 60-minutes of physical activity 5 days per week. (4)
Overexposure to screens and blue lights. The average kid spends 6-9 hours/day in front of a screen. (5)
Lack of spontaneous play and time in nature. Only 10% of kids spend time outside every day (6) and a 2018 Gallup study found that children nationwide spend less time on creative play than ever before, spending 18.6 hours each week to screen-based play per week, versus 14.6 hours on indoor screen-free play (7).
Antibiotic drug exposure. 1 in 4 kids get antibiotics every year that are unnecessary and 5 in 6 kids take an antibiotic every year (8).
Poor quality nutrition and processed foods. Nearly 50% of kids’ diets, ages 2-18 consist of empty calories from added sugars and and processed foods including: soda, fruit drinks, dairy desserts, grain desserts, pizza, and conventional milk (9).
Poor gut health. Including about 2 in 5 kids with constipation (10), 1 in 4 with GERD or “reflux” (11) and millions of kids with allergies and asthma—the #1 “chronic disease” of kids nationwide (12) (linked to poor gut health) (13, 14).
Much of the chronic diseases we face today can also be traced back to our gut health, including ADHD. If we could address the problems in our gut, we can find the right ways to treat ADHD naturally.
The human gut contains more than 100 trillion gut bacteria—up to 10 times more bacteria than human cells in our blood stream and body.
The healthier and more diverse your gut bacteria, the healthier your body is overall. However, the less healthy or less diverse your gut bacteria, the less healthy or “out of balance” you are.
Our gut bacteria influence the health of our:
Blood sugar and insulin levels
Hormone health
Immune system (allergies, skin health)
Mental health
 How do gut bacteria get unhealthy in the first place? Go back to the topic of stress!  It’s a vicious cycle, but common sources of “unhealthy gut bacteria” include:
Poor sleep
Poor quality foods (packaged, processed, conventional meat, dairy, sweeteners, etc.)
Environmental toxins (additives, plastics, medicines, toxic cleaning and hygiene products)
C-section births and processed formula feedings as a baby
Infection & Illness
Sedentary lifestyles
Underlying gut pathologies, often caused by stressors (parasites
 The good news?  If we address the gut health, then we could treat ADHD naturally—if not reversed.
Research backs this up.
A 2017 peer-reviewed study found significant connections between increased gut inflammation and test subjects with ADHD, regardless of age and previous diagnosis (15). The volunteers with ADHD had more Bifidobacterium genus, often associated with SIBO or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (16).
In another review in the European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Journal, researchers state that while studies on ADHD and the gut microbiota in patients is budding, there is clear evidence about the link between obesity and ADHD and between obesity and alteration of the gut microbiota.
There is a way to treat ADHD naturally.
Obesity induces a low-grade inflammatory state which has been associated with behavioral and cognitive alterations, being gut micro-biota most likely an important mediator between inflammation and altered behaviors.
Overall, data from gluten-free mice studies, antibiotic treatment studies, and probiotic interventions suggest that alterations in gut microbiota that reduce the inflammatory state also reduce stress-related behaviors, supporting the role of the gut microbiota as a mediator between inflammation and behavioral alterations.
And, another clinical trial (18) is currently underway, as researchers have concluded from previous research that ADHD is in are linked to shifts in gut microbiota composition.
The main strategy to heal and treat ADHD naturally involve balancing out stress levels, and NOT irritating the gut barrier and gut immune system. Here are 5 essential steps to start.
When we eat, we not only feed ourselves, but we also feed our gut bugs. This is a crucial step to treat ADHD naturally. It’s not rocket science: Real, whole, nutrient-dense foods make an unhealthy gut a healthier gut. While most kids’ favorite foods include chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, French fries, Honey Nut Cheerios, possibly fruit and anything with ketchup, they are humans too.
And humans were wired to eat real foods. Real foods include: sustainable, organic meats and fish, colorful fruits and veggies and essential healthy fats (coconut oil, ghee, grass-fed butter, pastured egg yolks, avocado, raw nuts and seeds.
This goes beyond just going a gluten-free (since many gluten free products contain just as many additives as the gluten version)s. Experiment with cutting out grains, conventional dairy, sugar and additives (dyes, sweeteners, chemicals) for 30 days and watch your kids’ brains come to life. Do it together with a non-diet mentality as a challenge for the family for stronger bodies and better brains. A great way to help treat ADHD naturally.
Give your kids a daily soil-based probiotic and prebiotic fiber to treat ADHD naturally. These include  partially hydrolyzed guar gum, to help the healthy probiotics stick in their gut. Soil based probiotics are typically better tolerated by most people, and contain probiotic like cultures that were once found in the rich soils of our ancestors. Start with 1/2 capsule of a probiotic, 2 times per day, and 1 teaspoon of a prebiotic. Other “gut loving” additions include:
Colostrum (similar to the gut-healing natural colostrum found in the “perfect food:” a mother’s milk)
Digestive Enzymes (support natural enzymes that help break down food)
Betaine HCL (hydrochloric acid) found in capsules (naturally boosts stomach acid to enhance digestion)
Optional: Digestive “bitters” to support detoxification mixed into homemade dark chocolate syrup (5 drops of bitters + 1 tablespoon cacao powder + 1 tablespoon raw honey (use maple syrup for kids under 1 year of age) +fresh juice from half a small lemon)
For kids, this includes encouraging them to get 60-minutes (at least) of active play and exercise each day, as well as outdoor time and sunshine, about 9 hours of sleep each night and creative, imaginative playaway from screens.
Magnesium Citrate at night is also a natural calming mineral, mixed into bedtime tea or water.
Work with a functional medicine practitioner or healthcare practitioner knowledgeable in gut health analysis and treatment of any underlying conditions that may play a role in your child’s brain-gut-connection. Lab tests may include: Stool testing, Organic Acids Urine Testing, Comprehensive Bloodwork Analysis, Food Sensitivity Testing, and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Breath Testing. This can help to treat ADHD naturally.
Not all tests are essential, but can give you and your child a clearer picture into their unique presentation if an underlying gut pathology is behind their condition. (Note: Many traditional GI doctors do not perform these tests on kids, beyond food allergy, not sensitivity, testing and potential scope and CT scan imaging).
The bottom line:
In the end, address the roots of cognitive imbalance first (gut and stress), not the symptoms. This is very important step to treat ADHD naturally.
2018. ADHD. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/data.html.
2018. How Stress Affects Your Health. https://www.apa.org/helpcenter/stress-facts.pdf; American Institute of Stress. https://www.stress.org/americas-1-health-problem/ (Cited: Perkins (1994) showed that 60% to 90% of doctor visits were stress-related)
Sleep Foundation. 2010. Sleep in America. http://sleepfoundation.org/sites/default/files/2014-NSF-Sleep-in-America-poll-summary-of-findings—FINAL-Updated-3-26-14-.pdf
2018. Physical Activity Facts. https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/physicalactivity/facts.htm
Kaiser Family Foundation. Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-18-year-olds. 2010 https://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/8010.pdf
The Nature Conservancy. Connecting America’s Youth to Nature. 2011. https://www.nature.org/newsfeatures/kids-in-nature/youth-and-nature-poll-results.pdf
Doug & Melissa. 2018. Time to Play Study. http://ww2.melissaanddoug.com/MelissaAndDoug_Gallup_TimetoPlay_Study.pdf
2017. Antibiotic Use in the United States, 2017: Progress and Opportunities. https://www.cdc.gov/antibiotic-use/stewardship-report/outpatient.html
Facts & Statistics: Physical Activity. 2018. https://www.hhs.gov/fitness/resource-center/facts-and-statistics/index.html (Cited Source: Reedy J, Krebs-Smith SM. Dietary sources of energy, solid fats, and added sugars among children and adolescents in the United States. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Volume 110, Issue 10, Pages 1477-1484, October 2010. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20869486.)
Blackmer AB, Farrington EA. Constipation in the pediatric patient: an overview and pharmacologic considerations. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. 2010;24(6):385–399.
Nelson SP, Chen EH, Syniar GM, Christoffel KK. Pediatric Practice Research Group. Prevalence of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux during childhood. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescents Medicine. 2000;154:150–154
Asthma & Allergy Foundation. 2018. Allergy Facts and Figures. http://www.aafa.org/page/allergy-facts.aspx
Volz, F. Wölbing, F. Regler, S. Kaesler, T. Biedermann. 232 NOD2 signaling critically influences sensitization to orally ingested allergens and severity of anaphylaxis. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2016; 136 (9): S201 DOI: 10.1016/j.jid.2016.06.252
Neonatal gut microbiota associates with childhood multisensitized atopy and T cell differentiation. Fujimura KE, Sitarik AR, Havstad S, Lin DL, Levan S, Fadrosh D, Panzer AR, LaMere B, Rackaityte E, Lukacs NW, Wegienka G, Boushey HA, Ownby DR, Zoratti EM, Levin AM, Johnson CC, Lynch SV. Nat Med. 2016 Sep 12. doi: 10.1038/nm.4176. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 27618652.
Aarts, E., Ederveen, T. H. A., Naaijen, J., Zwiers, M. P., Boekhorst, J., Timmerman, H. M., … Arias Vasquez, A. (2017). Gut microbiome in ADHD and its relation to neural reward anticipation. PLoS ONE, 12(9), e0183509. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0183509
Quigley & Quera. 2006. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: Roles of Antibiotics, Prebiotics, and Probiotics. http://www.deerlandenzymes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Small-Intestinal-Bacterial-Overgrowth-Roles-of-Antibiotics-Prebiotics-and-Probiotics.pdf
Carmen Cenit, María & Campillo Nuevo, Isabel & codoñer-franch, Pilar & G. Dinan, Timothy & Sanz, Yolanda. (2017). Gut microbiota and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: new perspectives for a challenging condition. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 26. 10.1007/s00787-017-0969-z. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pilar_Codoner-franch/publication/314967081_Gut_microbiota_and_attention_deficit_hyperactivity_disorder_new_perspectives_for_a_challenging_condition/links/5a2f81e50f7e9bfe81705387/Gut-microbiota-and-attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-new-perspectives-for-a-challenging-condition.pdf?origin=publication_detail
Xijing Hospital. 2018. Gut Microbiome and Serum Metabolome Alterations in ADHD Patients (ADHD). https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03447223
The post How To Treat ADHD Naturally: 5 Most Important Steps appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/family-kid-health/treat-adhd-naturally-5-essential-steps/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/ How To Treat ADHD Naturally: 5 Most Important Steps via https://drlaurynlax.blogspot.com/
0 notes
brian-cdates · 6 years ago
How To Treat ADHD Naturally: 5 Most Important Steps
Is there a way to treat ADHD naturally? What one should do?More than 1 in 10 children, ages 4-17 have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) (1), defined as  “limited attention and hyperactivity.”
Common characteristics of ADHD include:
Difficulty sustaining attention or focusing
Difficulty following through with tasks
Difficulty organizing self and tasks
Impulsive behavior
To officially be diagnosed with ADHD, symptoms must persist for at least 6 months, and behaviors and symptoms must be abnormal for children of the same age and negatively affect his or her school, home life or relationships in more than one setting (i.e. at home and at school).
Unfortunately, for many of these kids who are diagnosed, ADHD will continue into their adulthood, and conventional medicine believes that the disease is “manageable, but not curable.” In order to help kids “manage” their ADHD, treatment typically consists of medications and behavioral interventions, such as occupational therapy, behavioral therapy and sensory or movement “breaks.”
After those options are exhausted however, there is little, if anything else doctors say they can do.
The missing link most docs and conventional medicine is not talking about?
A little superpower known as the “brain gut connection.”
According to the latest in research about the brain-gut connection, ADHD is not only manageable,  but it is reversible and remissible.
In this article we’ll cover the basics  about the brain-gut connection, plus learn 5 essential steps to treat ADHD naturally (that your doctor probably won’t tell you about).
The “brain-gut” connection is essentially what it sounds like: Your gut and brain are directly linked.
Your vagus nerve (the nerve responsible for directing how you think and your brain function) is connected from your frontal brain lobe to the top stomach. In addition, about 95% of your serotonin (“feel good” brain chemical) is produced in your gastrointestinal tract.
Couple this with the fact that your gastrointestinal tract is lined with more than a 100 million nerve cells, and it makes sense: the inner workings of your digestive system don’t just help you digest food, but also guide your emotions.
In short: When your gut is unhappy or stressed…your brain is unhappy or stressed.
Enter: The “brain-gut connection.”
Inflammation in your gut sends signals to your brain, causing a similar response (inflammation, stress and in many children’s cases, anxiety, sensory processing disorders, and ADHD).
The bottom line: If you have an unhealthy gut, your brain function gets thrown off. And, if you have an unhealthy brain (i.e. stressed), your gut function can also get thrown off.
Unfortunately, for years, we’ve come to see the body and mind as two separate entities.
The mind is often treated separately from the body, other than using medications to suppress “neuro-chemical imbalances.” Patients with ADHD or other mood disorders and mental illnesses are then typically referred out to see a psychotherapist or occupational therapist to address “behavior” and emotional issues, in hopes of remediating the symptoms, with sub-par results or a lifetime spent in therapy, using coping strategies and taking medications.
From a functional medicine perspective, we want to address ADHD and other mental health conditions in the same way that we address any other health condition (i.e. autoimmune disease, diabetes, GERD, hypertension, etc.). We want to look at what the underlying causes are for these conditions. This is essential to treat ADHD naturally.
While mental illness, like ADHD, is a complex combination of various genetic and epigenetic factors, (including nutritional, physical, biochemical, environmental, social, emotional, and spiritual influences), many traditional methods of diagnosis and treatment fail to address two of the biggest drivers of disease: gut health and chronic inflammation (i.e. stress).
Our stress levels and gut health are the gateways to health.
In fact, the American Psychological Association estimates that 99% of ALL disease is attributed to stress alone (2). Stress is defined as any “outside force that exceeds the body’s ability to recover or maintain homeostasis.”
Just like the “stress” of a poor quality diet, lack of sleep and sedentary lifestyle leads to conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, and just like poor gut health, such as “intestinal permeability” (leaky gut) is connected to conditions like autoimmune disease, skin breakouts and anxiety,  stress levels and gut health play a key role in ADHD.
Contrary to popular belief, “stress” goes far beyond mental stress. Physiological stress equally imbalances the optimal function of the body—brain balance included.  Common sources of physical stress and inflammation for many ADHD sufferers include:
Inadequate sleep or poor quality sleep. More than half of kids do NOT get 8-9 hours of quality sleep. (3)
Sedentary lifestyles. Kids are moving less than ever before with 1 in 5 getting the recommended minimum of 60-minutes of physical activity 5 days per week. (4)
Overexposure to screens and blue lights. The average kid spends 6-9 hours/day in front of a screen. (5)
Lack of spontaneous play and time in nature. Only 10% of kids spend time outside every day (6) and a 2018 Gallup study found that children nationwide spend less time on creative play than ever before, spending 18.6 hours each week to screen-based play per week, versus 14.6 hours on indoor screen-free play (7).
Antibiotic drug exposure. 1 in 4 kids get antibiotics every year that are unnecessary and 5 in 6 kids take an antibiotic every year (8).
Poor quality nutrition and processed foods. Nearly 50% of kids’ diets, ages 2-18 consist of empty calories from added sugars and and processed foods including: soda, fruit drinks, dairy desserts, grain desserts, pizza, and conventional milk (9).
Poor gut health. Including about 2 in 5 kids with constipation (10), 1 in 4 with GERD or “reflux” (11) and millions of kids with allergies and asthma—the #1 “chronic disease” of kids nationwide (12) (linked to poor gut health) (13, 14).
Much of the chronic diseases we face today can also be traced back to our gut health, including ADHD. If we could address the problems in our gut, we can find the right ways to treat ADHD naturally.
The human gut contains more than 100 trillion gut bacteria—up to 10 times more bacteria than human cells in our blood stream and body.
The healthier and more diverse your gut bacteria, the healthier your body is overall. However, the less healthy or less diverse your gut bacteria, the less healthy or “out of balance” you are.
Our gut bacteria influence the health of our:
Blood sugar and insulin levels
Hormone health
Immune system (allergies, skin health)
Mental health
  How do gut bacteria get unhealthy in the first place? Go back to the topic of stress!  It’s a vicious cycle, but common sources of “unhealthy gut bacteria” include:
Poor sleep
Poor quality foods (packaged, processed, conventional meat, dairy, sweeteners, etc.)
Environmental toxins (additives, plastics, medicines, toxic cleaning and hygiene products)
C-section births and processed formula feedings as a baby
Infection & Illness
Sedentary lifestyles
Underlying gut pathologies, often caused by stressors (parasites
  The good news?  If we address the gut health, then we could treat ADHD naturally—if not reversed.
Research backs this up.
A 2017 peer-reviewed study found significant connections between increased gut inflammation and test subjects with ADHD, regardless of age and previous diagnosis (15). The volunteers with ADHD had more Bifidobacterium genus, often associated with SIBO or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (16).
In another review in the European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Journal, researchers state that while studies on ADHD and the gut microbiota in patients is budding, there is clear evidence about the link between obesity and ADHD and between obesity and alteration of the gut microbiota.
There is a way to treat ADHD naturally.
Obesity induces a low-grade inflammatory state which has been associated with behavioral and cognitive alterations, being gut micro-biota most likely an important mediator between inflammation and altered behaviors.
Overall, data from gluten-free mice studies, antibiotic treatment studies, and probiotic interventions suggest that alterations in gut microbiota that reduce the inflammatory state also reduce stress-related behaviors, supporting the role of the gut microbiota as a mediator between inflammation and behavioral alterations.
And, another clinical trial (18) is currently underway, as researchers have concluded from previous research that ADHD is in are linked to shifts in gut microbiota composition.
The main strategy to heal and treat ADHD naturally involve balancing out stress levels, and NOT irritating the gut barrier and gut immune system. Here are 5 essential steps to start.
When we eat, we not only feed ourselves, but we also feed our gut bugs. This is a crucial step to treat ADHD naturally. It’s not rocket science: Real, whole, nutrient-dense foods make an unhealthy gut a healthier gut. While most kids’ favorite foods include chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, French fries, Honey Nut Cheerios, possibly fruit and anything with ketchup, they are humans too.
And humans were wired to eat real foods. Real foods include: sustainable, organic meats and fish, colorful fruits and veggies and essential healthy fats (coconut oil, ghee, grass-fed butter, pastured egg yolks, avocado, raw nuts and seeds.
This goes beyond just going a gluten-free (since many gluten free products contain just as many additives as the gluten version)s. Experiment with cutting out grains, conventional dairy, sugar and additives (dyes, sweeteners, chemicals) for 30 days and watch your kids’ brains come to life. Do it together with a non-diet mentality as a challenge for the family for stronger bodies and better brains. A great way to help treat ADHD naturally.
Give your kids a daily soil-based probiotic and prebiotic fiber to treat ADHD naturally. These include  partially hydrolyzed guar gum, to help the healthy probiotics stick in their gut. Soil based probiotics are typically better tolerated by most people, and contain probiotic like cultures that were once found in the rich soils of our ancestors. Start with ½ capsule of a probiotic, 2 times per day, and 1 teaspoon of a prebiotic. Other “gut loving” additions include:
Colostrum (similar to the gut-healing natural colostrum found in the “perfect food:” a mother’s milk)
Digestive Enzymes (support natural enzymes that help break down food)
Betaine HCL (hydrochloric acid) found in capsules (naturally boosts stomach acid to enhance digestion)
Optional: Digestive “bitters” to support detoxification mixed into homemade dark chocolate syrup (5 drops of bitters + 1 tablespoon cacao powder + 1 tablespoon raw honey (use maple syrup for kids under 1 year of age) +fresh juice from half a small lemon)
For kids, this includes encouraging them to get 60-minutes (at least) of active play and exercise each day, as well as outdoor time and sunshine, about 9 hours of sleep each night and creative, imaginative playaway from screens.
Magnesium Citrate at night is also a natural calming mineral, mixed into bedtime tea or water.
Work with a functional medicine practitioner or healthcare practitioner knowledgeable in gut health analysis and treatment of any underlying conditions that may play a role in your child’s brain-gut-connection. Lab tests may include: Stool testing, Organic Acids Urine Testing, Comprehensive Bloodwork Analysis, Food Sensitivity Testing, and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Breath Testing. This can help to treat ADHD naturally.
Not all tests are essential, but can give you and your child a clearer picture into their unique presentation if an underlying gut pathology is behind their condition. (Note: Many traditional GI doctors do not perform these tests on kids, beyond food allergy, not sensitivity, testing and potential scope and CT scan imaging).
The bottom line:
In the end, address the roots of cognitive imbalance first (gut and stress), not the symptoms. This is very important step to treat ADHD naturally.
2018. ADHD. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/data.html.
2018. How Stress Affects Your Health. https://www.apa.org/helpcenter/stress-facts.pdf; American Institute of Stress. https://www.stress.org/americas-1-health-problem/ (Cited: Perkins (1994) showed that 60% to 90% of doctor visits were stress-related)
Sleep Foundation. 2010. Sleep in America. http://sleepfoundation.org/sites/default/files/2014-NSF-Sleep-in-America-poll-summary-of-findings—FINAL-Updated-3-26-14-.pdf
2018. Physical Activity Facts. https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/physicalactivity/facts.htm
Kaiser Family Foundation. Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-18-year-olds. 2010 https://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/8010.pdf
The Nature Conservancy. Connecting America’s Youth to Nature. 2011. https://www.nature.org/newsfeatures/kids-in-nature/youth-and-nature-poll-results.pdf
Doug & Melissa. 2018. Time to Play Study. http://ww2.melissaanddoug.com/MelissaAndDoug_Gallup_TimetoPlay_Study.pdf
2017. Antibiotic Use in the United States, 2017: Progress and Opportunities. https://www.cdc.gov/antibiotic-use/stewardship-report/outpatient.html
Facts & Statistics: Physical Activity. 2018. https://www.hhs.gov/fitness/resource-center/facts-and-statistics/index.html (Cited Source: Reedy J, Krebs-Smith SM. Dietary sources of energy, solid fats, and added sugars among children and adolescents in the United States. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Volume 110, Issue 10, Pages 1477-1484, October 2010. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20869486.)
Blackmer AB, Farrington EA. Constipation in the pediatric patient: an overview and pharmacologic considerations. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. 2010;24(6):385–399.
Nelson SP, Chen EH, Syniar GM, Christoffel KK. Pediatric Practice Research Group. Prevalence of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux during childhood. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescents Medicine. 2000;154:150–154
Asthma & Allergy Foundation. 2018. Allergy Facts and Figures. http://www.aafa.org/page/allergy-facts.aspx
Volz, F. Wölbing, F. Regler, S. Kaesler, T. Biedermann. 232 NOD2 signaling critically influences sensitization to orally ingested allergens and severity of anaphylaxis. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2016; 136 (9): S201 DOI: 10.1016/j.jid.2016.06.252
Neonatal gut microbiota associates with childhood multisensitized atopy and T cell differentiation. Fujimura KE, Sitarik AR, Havstad S, Lin DL, Levan S, Fadrosh D, Panzer AR, LaMere B, Rackaityte E, Lukacs NW, Wegienka G, Boushey HA, Ownby DR, Zoratti EM, Levin AM, Johnson CC, Lynch SV. Nat Med. 2016 Sep 12. doi: 10.1038/nm.4176. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 27618652.
Aarts, E., Ederveen, T. H. A., Naaijen, J., Zwiers, M. P., Boekhorst, J., Timmerman, H. M., … Arias Vasquez, A. (2017). Gut microbiome in ADHD and its relation to neural reward anticipation. PLoS ONE, 12(9), e0183509. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0183509
Quigley & Quera. 2006. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: Roles of Antibiotics, Prebiotics, and Probiotics. http://www.deerlandenzymes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Small-Intestinal-Bacterial-Overgrowth-Roles-of-Antibiotics-Prebiotics-and-Probiotics.pdf
Carmen Cenit, María & Campillo Nuevo, Isabel & codoñer-franch, Pilar & G. Dinan, Timothy & Sanz, Yolanda. (2017). Gut microbiota and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: new perspectives for a challenging condition. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 26. 10.1007/s00787-017-0969-z. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pilar_Codoner-franch/publication/314967081_Gut_microbiota_and_attention_deficit_hyperactivity_disorder_new_perspectives_for_a_challenging_condition/links/5a2f81e50f7e9bfe81705387/Gut-microbiota-and-attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-new-perspectives-for-a-challenging-condition.pdf?origin=publication_detail
Xijing Hospital. 2018. Gut Microbiome and Serum Metabolome Alterations in ADHD Patients (ADHD). https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03447223
The post How To Treat ADHD Naturally: 5 Most Important Steps appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/family-kid-health/treat-adhd-naturally-5-essential-steps/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/ How To Treat ADHD Naturally: 5 Most Important Steps via http://drlaurynlax.tumblr.com/
0 notes
clarencebfaber · 6 years ago
How to Get to the Root Cause of Your Gut Problems
Root Cause of Gut Problems
 In order to know where you are going, you have to know where you are coming from…especially if you want to improve or change your health and body. You have to get to the root cause of your gut problems before you get the best treatment.
Enter: The Gut Timeline—pin-pointing and piecing together your own unique health history, lifestyle factors and experiences that have shaped your health to be where it is today, in order to understand what current underlying health issues, roadblocks or struggles may be standing in your way to getting where you want to be. 
Gut Timeline Example
For example: Take Vicky* (*name has been changed).
[stock photo]
Vicky came to me wanting to shed some body fat, increase her energy, banish her bloating and lose about 10 pounds of unwanted weight gain that she couldn’t seem to lose (no matter what she tried). 
“I don’t get it! I’ve tried Paleo, Keto, Intermittent Fasting…but no matter what I do, my weight won’t budge!”
To say the least, Vicky’s body was stressed—real stressed! It wasn’t until we pieced together her own unique health history and Gut Timeline that she began to understand that there was MORE to the story than the amount of carbs she ate (or didn’t eat).
Vicky’s history of chronic dieting and overtraining (i.e. stressing out her body), coupled with living in a moldy apartment 5 years ago, plus history of birth control use, SSRI drugs, drinking artificially sweetened protein shakes, typical 6-hours of sleep each night and stressful job as an ICU floor nurse ALL were reasons WHY her body was seemingly “working against her.”
Working with me, I was also able to help Vicky LOOK DEEPER beyond her frustration with the scale into the REAL health issues holding her back, which included:
HPA-Axis Dysfunction (i.e. “adrenal fatigue”)
SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
Hyperglycemia (blood sugar imbalances)
I created a nutrition, supplement and lifestyle-change plan to help Vicky address the stressors wreaking havoc on her health, and long story short, in a matter of 3 months, Vicky had MORE energy, less bloating, MORE body love and she dropped 8 pounds.
Win. Win. Win. Win!
Moral of the story: When we address the underlying causes of health imbalances and UNDERSTAND the root causes of where our imbalances come from. 
Stress Stinks
Stress is the #1 driver of ALL DISEASE and is the #1 reason WHY any of us feel stuck in a health rut, or stuck in our own skin (myself included).
Use this simple exercise of creating your own Gut Timeline to PINPOINT the exact stressors and experiences in your life that have shaped your current state of health and body where you are today.
Stress goes FAR beyond mental stress alone too!
Some of the TOP stressors (from your personal Gut Timeline) that may influence your health and current state of not feeling 100% today include:
Physical & Lifestyle Stressors
Blue light screen exposure (long times on screens)
Light at night time
Less than 7 hours of sleep most nights
Sedentary lifestyle
Imbalanced exercise (i.e. doing HIIT or chronic cardio all the time without mixing it up)
Exposure to chemicals in beauty, cleaning and hygiene products
Plastic Tupperware/container use and other environmental toxins
Mold exposure
Lack of outdoor/nature and fresh air
Endlessly Google searching answers to your health questions
NSAID use (headaches, etc.)
Oral birth-control
Long term prescription medication use
Disconnection from community/meaningful relationships
High coffee/caffeine consumption (more than 1 cup quality coffee/day)
Disrupted circadian rhythms for sleeping, eating, working and resting patterns
Artificial sweeteners (most commercial stevia included)
Eating packaged, refined or processed foods
Low water intake (less than half your bodyweight in ounces)
Tap water (not filtered)
High alcohol consumption or smoking
Frequent eating out (more than preparing/handling your food)
Stress over food/diet
Low fiber (Fermentable prebiotic fiber foods)
Lack of quality protein (amino acids for your brain)
Conventional meat and dairy consumption
Grains and “gluten free” processed products (with gluten-cross contaminants) 
Binging/Purging and disordered eating habits
Jet lag
Foreign travel
Shift work
Pain (joint, musculoskeletal)
Infectious/bacterial disease
Gut inflammation & Underlying gut conditions (SIBO, parasites, etc.)
Mental Stressors 
Type A personality—and difficulty listening to your body over your schedule
Relationship stress
Financial stress/pressures
Lack of control
Not talking about your stress (bottling it up)
Lack of play/fun
Not doing things you love
Serotonin suppression (“feel good” brain chemicals)
Social Media comparison/endless scrolling
Trying to be all things to all people/people pleasing
FOMO (lack of downtime for yourself)
Burning a candle at both ends
News binging 
Any of these sound familiar?!
Although stress is inevitable in life, it is when we have LOTS of stressors accumulate (without managing them) that our gut health and other parts of our health take a hit. Thinking about how you feel TODAY in your own skin, think about what lifestyle and lifetime stressful triggers may have played a role. 
When we talk about gut problems, healing the gut and improving your gut health, many people instantly jump to asking about what lab tests to run and what supplements to take. 
However, first and foremost, nothing replaces your own (gut) intuition, and we must FIRST understand what stressors have wreaked havoc on our health in our past and present in order to fully heal. 
Action Step
Create a “Gut Health” Timeline for yourself with the top 10-15 events, memories and/or stressors you have in your own general health journey that may have shaped how you feel today.
Some examples you may find yourself including could be: 
Being a C-section & formula-fed baby (processed foods early)
The first time you remember having gut issue (like having to run out of your 1st grade classroom to use the bathroom or letting one “rip” during reading circle and everyone laughing)
Taking several rounds of antibiotics for strep throat, ear infections, allergies and everything in between
Growing up on Lunchables, Goldfish crackers and Hamburger Helper
The chronic acne breakouts you had as a teen or young adult, and the birth control pills you took to “cure” them
Trying out a specific diet plan that felt good…at first. But then left you constipated or bloated all the time 
Four years of chronic constipation during college—living off Lean Cuisines, energy drinks and protein bars
A shoulder surgery or car wreck injury, along with the pain meds you had to take which killed off gut bacteria
Your trip to Thailand and coming back with a tummy that didn’t feel “right”
Working the nightshift as an ER nurse for 2 years with poor sleep habits and high coffee intake
That time you got mono or anemia
List any of the top 10-15 events, lifestyle factors or indicators you can point to as “stressors” and triggering events to your own gut and health dysfunction. 
This log will help you piece together some of the top stressors in your current lifestyle and history which may have contributed to your health, as well as understand any current stressors continuing to drive your symptoms.
In my own health journey, I know that IF I want to add some healthy weight to my body, improve my gut health and reverse my metabolic dysfunction, I MUST FIRST UNDERSTAND how my health got here in the first place.
The same thing goes for you. In order to know where you’re going, you must know where you’re coming from.  I’ll teach you more about what to do with this information as we go along. I have a solution for your gut problems.
The post How to Get to the Root Cause of Your Gut Problems appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/gut-health/how-to-get-to-the-root-cause-of-your-gut-problems/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
How to Get to the Root Cause of Your Gut Problems via https://drlaurynlax.weebly.com/
0 notes
brian-cdates · 6 years ago
How to Get to the Root Cause of Your Gut Problems
Root Cause of Gut Problems
In order to know where you are going, you have to know where you are coming from…especially if you want to improve or change your health and body. You have to get to the root cause of your gut problems before you get the best treatment.
Enter: The Gut Timeline—pin-pointing and piecing together your own unique health history, lifestyle factors and experiences that have shaped your health to be where it is today, in order to understand what current underlying health issues, roadblocks or struggles may be standing in your way to getting where you want to be. 
Gut Timeline Example
For example: Take Vicky* (*name has been changed).
[stock photo]
Vicky came to me wanting to shed some body fat, increase her energy, banish her bloating and lose about 10 pounds of unwanted weight gain that she couldn’t seem to lose (no matter what she tried). 
“I don’t get it! I’ve tried Paleo, Keto, Intermittent Fasting…but no matter what I do, my weight won’t budge!”
To say the least, Vicky’s body was stressed—real stressed! It wasn’t until we pieced together her own unique health history and Gut Timeline that she began to understand that there was MORE to the story than the amount of carbs she ate (or didn’t eat).
Vicky’s history of chronic dieting and overtraining (i.e. stressing out her body), coupled with living in a moldy apartment 5 years ago, plus history of birth control use, SSRI drugs, drinking artificially sweetened protein shakes, typical 6-hours of sleep each night and stressful job as an ICU floor nurse ALL were reasons WHY her body was seemingly “working against her.”
Working with me, I was also able to help Vicky LOOK DEEPER beyond her frustration with the scale into the REAL health issues holding her back, which included:
HPA-Axis Dysfunction (i.e. “adrenal fatigue”)
SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
Hyperglycemia (blood sugar imbalances)
I created a nutrition, supplement and lifestyle-change plan to help Vicky address the stressors wreaking havoc on her health, and long story short, in a matter of 3 months, Vicky had MORE energy, less bloating, MORE body love and she dropped 8 pounds.
Win. Win. Win. Win!
Moral of the story: When we address the underlying causes of health imbalances and UNDERSTAND the root causes of where our imbalances come from. 
Stress Stinks
Stress is the #1 driver of ALL DISEASE and is the #1 reason WHY any of us feel stuck in a health rut, or stuck in our own skin (myself included).
Use this simple exercise of creating your own Gut Timeline to PINPOINT the exact stressors and experiences in your life that have shaped your current state of health and body where you are today.
Stress goes FAR beyond mental stress alone too!
Some of the TOP stressors (from your personal Gut Timeline) that may influence your health and current state of not feeling 100% today include:
Physical & Lifestyle Stressors
Blue light screen exposure (long times on screens)
Light at night time
Less than 7 hours of sleep most nights
Sedentary lifestyle
Imbalanced exercise (i.e. doing HIIT or chronic cardio all the time without mixing it up)
Exposure to chemicals in beauty, cleaning and hygiene products
Plastic Tupperware/container use and other environmental toxins
Mold exposure
Lack of outdoor/nature and fresh air
Endlessly Google searching answers to your health questions
NSAID use (headaches, etc.)
Oral birth-control
Long term prescription medication use
Disconnection from community/meaningful relationships
High coffee/caffeine consumption (more than 1 cup quality coffee/day)
Disrupted circadian rhythms for sleeping, eating, working and resting patterns
Artificial sweeteners (most commercial stevia included)
Eating packaged, refined or processed foods
Low water intake (less than half your bodyweight in ounces)
Tap water (not filtered)
High alcohol consumption or smoking
Frequent eating out (more than preparing/handling your food)
Stress over food/diet
Low fiber (Fermentable prebiotic fiber foods)
Lack of quality protein (amino acids for your brain)
Conventional meat and dairy consumption
Grains and “gluten free” processed products (with gluten-cross contaminants) 
Binging/Purging and disordered eating habits
Jet lag
Foreign travel
Shift work
Pain (joint, musculoskeletal)
Infectious/bacterial disease
Gut inflammation & Underlying gut conditions (SIBO, parasites, etc.)
Mental Stressors 
Type A personality—and difficulty listening to your body over your schedule
Relationship stress
Financial stress/pressures
Lack of control
Not talking about your stress (bottling it up)
Lack of play/fun
Not doing things you love
Serotonin suppression (“feel good” brain chemicals)
Social Media comparison/endless scrolling
Trying to be all things to all people/people pleasing
FOMO (lack of downtime for yourself)
Burning a candle at both ends
News binging 
Any of these sound familiar?!
Although stress is inevitable in life, it is when we have LOTS of stressors accumulate (without managing them) that our gut health and other parts of our health take a hit. Thinking about how you feel TODAY in your own skin, think about what lifestyle and lifetime stressful triggers may have played a role. 
When we talk about gut problems, healing the gut and improving your gut health, many people instantly jump to asking about what lab tests to run and what supplements to take. 
However, first and foremost, nothing replaces your own (gut) intuition, and we must FIRST understand what stressors have wreaked havoc on our health in our past and present in order to fully heal. 
Action Step
Create a “Gut Health” Timeline for yourself with the top 10-15 events, memories and/or stressors you have in your own general health journey that may have shaped how you feel today.
Some examples you may find yourself including could be: 
Being a C-section & formula-fed baby (processed foods early)
The first time you remember having gut issue (like having to run out of your 1st grade classroom to use the bathroom or letting one “rip” during reading circle and everyone laughing)
Taking several rounds of antibiotics for strep throat, ear infections, allergies and everything in between
Growing up on Lunchables, Goldfish crackers and Hamburger Helper
The chronic acne breakouts you had as a teen or young adult, and the birth control pills you took to “cure” them
Trying out a specific diet plan that felt good…at first. But then left you constipated or bloated all the time 
Four years of chronic constipation during college—living off Lean Cuisines, energy drinks and protein bars
A shoulder surgery or car wreck injury, along with the pain meds you had to take which killed off gut bacteria
Your trip to Thailand and coming back with a tummy that didn’t feel “right”
Working the nightshift as an ER nurse for 2 years with poor sleep habits and high coffee intake
That time you got mono or anemia
List any of the top 10-15 events, lifestyle factors or indicators you can point to as “stressors” and triggering events to your own gut and health dysfunction. 
This log will help you piece together some of the top stressors in your current lifestyle and history which may have contributed to your health, as well as understand any current stressors continuing to drive your symptoms.
In my own health journey, I know that IF I want to add some healthy weight to my body, improve my gut health and reverse my metabolic dysfunction, I MUST FIRST UNDERSTAND how my health got here in the first place.
The same thing goes for you. In order to know where you’re going, you must know where you’re coming from.  I’ll teach you more about what to do with this information as we go along. I have a solution for your gut problems.
The post How to Get to the Root Cause of Your Gut Problems appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/gut-health/how-to-get-to-the-root-cause-of-your-gut-problems/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/ How to Get to the Root Cause of Your Gut Problems via http://drlaurynlax.tumblr.com/
0 notes
drlaurynlax · 6 years ago
How to Get to the Root Cause of Your Gut Problems
Root Cause of Gut Problems
  In order to know where you are going, you have to know where you are coming from…especially if you want to improve or change your health and body. You have to get to the root cause of your gut problems before you get the best treatment.
Enter: The Gut Timeline—pin-pointing and piecing together your own unique health history, lifestyle factors and experiences that have shaped your health to be where it is today, in order to understand what current underlying health issues, roadblocks or struggles may be standing in your way to getting where you want to be. 
Gut Timeline Example
For example: Take Vicky* (*name has been changed).
[stock photo]
Vicky came to me wanting to shed some body fat, increase her energy, banish her bloating and lose about 10 pounds of unwanted weight gain that she couldn’t seem to lose (no matter what she tried). 
“I don’t get it! I’ve tried Paleo, Keto, Intermittent Fasting…but no matter what I do, my weight won’t budge!”
To say the least, Vicky’s body was stressed—real stressed! It wasn’t until we pieced together her own unique health history and Gut Timeline that she began to understand that there was MORE to the story than the amount of carbs she ate (or didn’t eat).
Vicky’s history of chronic dieting and overtraining (i.e. stressing out her body), coupled with living in a moldy apartment 5 years ago, plus history of birth control use, SSRI drugs, drinking artificially sweetened protein shakes, typical 6-hours of sleep each night and stressful job as an ICU floor nurse ALL were reasons WHY her body was seemingly “working against her.”
Working with me, I was also able to help Vicky LOOK DEEPER beyond her frustration with the scale into the REAL health issues holding her back, which included:
HPA-Axis Dysfunction (i.e. “adrenal fatigue”)
SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
Hyperglycemia (blood sugar imbalances)
I created a nutrition, supplement and lifestyle-change plan to help Vicky address the stressors wreaking havoc on her health, and long story short, in a matter of 3 months, Vicky had MORE energy, less bloating, MORE body love and she dropped 8 pounds.
Win. Win. Win. Win!
Moral of the story: When we address the underlying causes of health imbalances and UNDERSTAND the root causes of where our imbalances come from. 
Stress Stinks
Stress is the #1 driver of ALL DISEASE and is the #1 reason WHY any of us feel stuck in a health rut, or stuck in our own skin (myself included).
Use this simple exercise of creating your own Gut Timeline to PINPOINT the exact stressors and experiences in your life that have shaped your current state of health and body where you are today.
Stress goes FAR beyond mental stress alone too!
Some of the TOP stressors (from your personal Gut Timeline) that may influence your health and current state of not feeling 100% today include:
Physical & Lifestyle Stressors
Blue light screen exposure (long times on screens)
Light at night time
Less than 7 hours of sleep most nights
Sedentary lifestyle
Imbalanced exercise (i.e. doing HIIT or chronic cardio all the time without mixing it up)
Exposure to chemicals in beauty, cleaning and hygiene products
Plastic Tupperware/container use and other environmental toxins
Mold exposure
Lack of outdoor/nature and fresh air
Endlessly Google searching answers to your health questions
NSAID use (headaches, etc.)
Oral birth-control
Long term prescription medication use
Disconnection from community/meaningful relationships
High coffee/caffeine consumption (more than 1 cup quality coffee/day)
Disrupted circadian rhythms for sleeping, eating, working and resting patterns
Artificial sweeteners (most commercial stevia included)
Eating packaged, refined or processed foods
Low water intake (less than half your bodyweight in ounces)
Tap water (not filtered)
High alcohol consumption or smoking
Frequent eating out (more than preparing/handling your food)
Stress over food/diet
Low fiber (Fermentable prebiotic fiber foods)
Lack of quality protein (amino acids for your brain)
Conventional meat and dairy consumption
Grains and “gluten free” processed products (with gluten-cross contaminants) 
Binging/Purging and disordered eating habits
Jet lag
Foreign travel
Shift work
Pain (joint, musculoskeletal)
Infectious/bacterial disease
Gut inflammation & Underlying gut conditions (SIBO, parasites, etc.)
Mental Stressors 
Type A personality—and difficulty listening to your body over your schedule
Relationship stress
Financial stress/pressures
Lack of control
Not talking about your stress (bottling it up)
Lack of play/fun
Not doing things you love
Serotonin suppression (“feel good” brain chemicals)
Social Media comparison/endless scrolling
Trying to be all things to all people/people pleasing
FOMO (lack of downtime for yourself)
Burning a candle at both ends
News binging 
Any of these sound familiar?!
Although stress is inevitable in life, it is when we have LOTS of stressors accumulate (without managing them) that our gut health and other parts of our health take a hit. Thinking about how you feel TODAY in your own skin, think about what lifestyle and lifetime stressful triggers may have played a role. 
When we talk about gut problems, healing the gut and improving your gut health, many people instantly jump to asking about what lab tests to run and what supplements to take. 
However, first and foremost, nothing replaces your own (gut) intuition, and we must FIRST understand what stressors have wreaked havoc on our health in our past and present in order to fully heal. 
Action Step
Create a “Gut Health” Timeline for yourself with the top 10-15 events, memories and/or stressors you have in your own general health journey that may have shaped how you feel today.
Some examples you may find yourself including could be: 
Being a C-section & formula-fed baby (processed foods early)
The first time you remember having gut issue (like having to run out of your 1st grade classroom to use the bathroom or letting one “rip” during reading circle and everyone laughing)
Taking several rounds of antibiotics for strep throat, ear infections, allergies and everything in between
Growing up on Lunchables, Goldfish crackers and Hamburger Helper
The chronic acne breakouts you had as a teen or young adult, and the birth control pills you took to “cure” them
Trying out a specific diet plan that felt good…at first. But then left you constipated or bloated all the time 
Four years of chronic constipation during college—living off Lean Cuisines, energy drinks and protein bars
A shoulder surgery or car wreck injury, along with the pain meds you had to take which killed off gut bacteria
Your trip to Thailand and coming back with a tummy that didn’t feel “right”
Working the nightshift as an ER nurse for 2 years with poor sleep habits and high coffee intake
That time you got mono or anemia
List any of the top 10-15 events, lifestyle factors or indicators you can point to as “stressors” and triggering events to your own gut and health dysfunction. 
This log will help you piece together some of the top stressors in your current lifestyle and history which may have contributed to your health, as well as understand any current stressors continuing to drive your symptoms.
In my own health journey, I know that IF I want to add some healthy weight to my body, improve my gut health and reverse my metabolic dysfunction, I MUST FIRST UNDERSTAND how my health got here in the first place.
The same thing goes for you. In order to know where you’re going, you must know where you’re coming from.  I’ll teach you more about what to do with this information as we go along. I have a solution for your gut problems.
The post How to Get to the Root Cause of Your Gut Problems appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/gut-health/how-to-get-to-the-root-cause-of-your-gut-problems/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
0 notes